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Best Software To Rank Your Business In Page One

Best Software To Rank Your Business In Page One

Best Software To Rank Your Business In Page One

Trying to create consistent content online can be tough!


Especially the kind of content that generates leads and customers as well, it’s the one item you can’t fake online. Because everything begins with content. Don’t believe me? Okay, let’s take a look:

*Want to run an ad campaign?
-You need to WRITE it first.

*Want to get people into your funnel?
-You need a report or video first.

*Want to get people to buy something digitally?
-You have to promise them some form of content.

See, there’s just no way of getting around it. That’s why everyone who does anything online says that content is king.

If Content Is King Online, Then We Should Definitely Treat It Like Royalty Right?


I know some people may disagree, but the truth is that content is king, and traffic is a very close second.

Because you can have all the traffic in the world, but without the right content, that traffic is meaningless.

But just because the content is king doesn’t mean that all content is created equal or has equal value.

Reading an informative article is not the same as some spun drivel that looks like it was created by a 3rd grader.
And that’s why most people are failing.

It’s because they don’t know how to create content that people actually want to view online.

And that’s what I want to share with you today. Because there’s one type of content that always wins over all the others…

Just Take A Look At Some of The Most Popular Pieces of Content Online. And They All Have One Thing In Common...


Here, let me show you some pieces of content that have burned up the internet traffic…

Notice anything specific? Did you notice what all of these popular pieces of content have in common? Video. You can’t deny it. Video is one of the top content items (if not the top one) that people absolutely love online the most.


Check out these facts:

- 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every single minute!

- Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day

- YouTube has now become the 2nd largest search engine online.


So with the above facts, doesn’t it make sense for you to pay attention to the power of video and what it can do for your business?


Listen Up...

If You Want To Succeed Online, You Need Great Content. And You Need To Create It Fast!

I’ve heard it said that if you ever want to get anything done online fast then create video.
*Need to get a message out fast?
 - Shoot a quick video.
*Want to create a product fast?
- Create a set of videos.
*Want to make a TON of money this weekend?
- Do a webinar which is shown through video.
*Want to tap into one of the most popular search engines (YouTube) online?
- Create videos.

But...There’s Just One Problem.

Most people stumble when it comes to creating videos. Especially the kind that’s engaging as you see with so many successful people online.

They think they need a ton of fancy equipment to make them look like a star. And honestly, it’s this thinking that stops them from obtaining the success they so richly deserve. They dream of using video to make money online and then fall into these traps:

- They spend an arm and a leg buying fancy cameras, computers, and teleprompter screens or tablets.

- They waste money on hard to use video edit equipment that costs anywhere from $300 to $1,000. Or worse, get stuck in an infinite video editing monthly subscription payment with no end in sight.

- Use other software to publish their videos online, thus making their entire workflow clunky...

But, what if you didn’t need all that fancy equipment?
And what if you didn’t need to go through 50 gazillion steps just to create and publish one highly engaging video that generates leads and sales?

What if you could use the device you already have in your hands and create amazing video content on the fly? And what if it was super easy to never have to remember what to say because the words are already on the screen without your audience ever seen them?
Well, If you've reached this part of the article, I'm inviting you to Discover the Awesome app that’s replacing expensive video equipment with your smartphone!

I would like to introduce the #1 smartphone app that replaces the need for expensive video equipment

Extempore Content Version



let's create highly engaging profitable videos fast!

Now, imagine what you could do, and the types of videos that you could create with Extempore.

It’s incredibly easy to create a video with just follow these simple steps…

You can literally pull out your phone, write a quick script or some notes, hit record and you’re good to go!





Check out some of the amazing features we have packed into Extempore for you


1- 10 Minute Videos At Your Fingertips


With Extempore you can record any video you like up to 10 minutes in length. This is great for quick hits or any motivational videos you may want to create on your favorite platform. Just open the app, hit record after creating your story, and start talking!


2- Unlimited Takes For Every Single Video You Create


Sometimes you just don’t get the video right on the first try. No worries. With Extempore, we give you the ability to do as many takes as necessary to get it right. And best of all, your audience will never know!

3- Create Pro-Quality Videos On Demand


The videos you create with Extempore are only limited by the quality of the camera on your phone or tablet. And with most mobile devices having high-quality cameras, you’ll look like an absolute star!

4- Sharing Made Easy on Whatsapp, Social Networks Or Just Download The File If You Choose


We know you’ll be eager to share your videos with the world, so we’ve made sharing incredibly easy with Extempore. After you’re done recording and making a few edits, just use the options in the app to share or download the video.No extra software needed.

5- Dual Video Recording Options


You’ll also find that you can choose whichever layout you want with Extempore. If you want to get up close and personal, just use the vertical option. Or if you want to share your background, just go for the horizontal layout...

6- Full Seamless HD Video Export


Another great thing about Extempore is that you’ll be able to export all of your videos with 100% HD Quality. This is a HUGE step up from most other apps that only give you 480p quality that looks like videos from the 80s.


7- Single Extempore License for The Web


Want to use Extempore on your computer? No problem at all. Once you sign up today, we’ll get your license all squared away immediately.

8- Single Extempore License for Andriod / iOS


We’ll also issue you a license to use Extempore on any mobile device of your choice. This way you’ll get the best of both worlds!

9- Make Square Videos for Instagram Easily


Square videos are all the rage on Instagram, which by the way is one of the most popular sites online. Well, Extempore lets you make those square videos easily so you can post and get on with your day! No additional editing or software conversion needed.

10- Direct Youtube Upload Integration


One thing that you’ll absolutely love about Extempore is that once you’re done creating and making a few tweaks to your video, you can upload it directly to YouTube! This is great for those people who have a following on YouTube or want to start building one.

and much more

You can know more about the app features right now through this link

and here are some of the ways you can use Extempore in your business, No matter what you do online Extempore can help succeed.


Here are just a few ways you can start using Extempore today:

-     VSLs


Videos sales letters are a great way to sell any product or service. By using Extempore, you could create a script that explains your product or offer and never have to wonder what to say again.
Just by using video on your sales pages or using video as the sales agent, you’ll boost conversions and your bottom line at the same time!

-     Video Ads


I’m sure you’ve seen all the ads that pop up before you watch a YouTube video right? But what you don’t know is that the person doing the ad has to constantly shoot the video over and over because of mess-ups
Well, Extempore solves that problem for you. Just create your notes or scripts, hit record and Extempore will scroll the content for you to read. This makes it incredibly easy to create engaging video ads in less time than ever!

-     Vlogging


Vlogging is all the rage and has been for quite some time now. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it’s basically video blogging. So instead of writing articles, you create videos and post them on your blog.
Well, with having Extempore in your arsenal, you could literally take a few minutes and write up your ideas or your script and create more vlog content in half the time it’d normally take!

-     Social Media


Instagram has really picked up steam in the last 3 years. It’s a video and picture sharing platform that’s made so many people incredibly popular.
The reason for that is the quick videos that are recorded and shared as stories. But once again, a lot of these famous people have a ton of expensive equipment and spend tons of time editing their videos because of not having a real plan for their recordings.
Imagine if they had Extempore. They’d be able to get rid of all the expensive equipment and create more engaging content faster than ever.

-     Spokesperson Freelance Business


At this very moment, there’s an incredible opportunity to make a killing doing spokesperson videos on sites like Fiverr, Upwork, and other freelance sites.
By having Extempore on your smartphone, you can zoom through all of your video work with ease.
Extempore puts the script right on the screen so it looks like you’re looking directly into the camera! How awesome is that?

I guarantee that you’ll fall in love with Extempore from the day you use it. But if for some strange reason you don’t or if you have any issues with Extempore in getting it to work, and we can’t solve those issues - then you can mail the site for a full refund.

I don’t want to keep a penny of your money.

But I know after using Extempore for a full 30 days, you’ll wonder why we didn’t charge more!

Getting started is easy! just follow these simple steps...

1- Once you’ve made your purchase today through our secure ordering payment gateway, your Extempore account will automatically be created for you.

2- This way you can get started using Extempore in the next 5 minutes! Even if you’re a technological newbie.

3- Plus, you’ll find inside the member’s area every tutorial you need that will take you through every awesome feature of Extempore. So this way you’ll be able to get up and running quickly.

So with that being said, doesn’t it make sense to get access right now? Especially before the time runs out to claim your discount?

Share this blog if it was helpful to you and I am waiting for you in the comment section for further information.

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