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Freelancing comprehensive guide 2020

Freelancing comprehensive guide

Freelancing comprehensive guide

Have you ever dreamed of working alone freely?
Have you ever dreamed of getting out of the burden and boredom of the hours that someone else decides for you?
Are you tired of that manager supervisor's or controls?
Have you ever thought about doing the thing you really love?
In fact, freelancing is the magic recipe for achieving all of this, freelancing is the opportunity and treasure that Internet and communication technology has given us to control our lives, by doing the things we love at the time we want and with the best possible return as well.

The demand for freelancing has increased dramatically in recent times, through which anyone can work on their own to provide their services, projects and innovations for companies, institutions or individuals in their country or other countries, and often can provide these services to multiple clients. Every time.

On the other hand, through freelancing, companies, institutions and business owners can easily reach the best competencies and expertise in all fields.
Online freelancing Guide
Back in time 10 years back, the concept of freelancing online was limited to a very small group in our Arab region, but now there are many Arabs who work in the field of freelancing and we call them Freelancers.
In fact, despite the recent growth of the online culture, there are many Young Arabs who do not understand the idea and therefore miss out on enormous opportunities and possibilities in the labor market.

In this comprehensive guide consisting of 9 lessons, we will take you on a journey... We start with you in terms of clarifying the idea of freelancing and how it works, and we will go through together the most important requirements to start in freelancing, problems, and challenges existing and how to solve them, and we will show you how to start in this field and what tools and skills you have to possess, and the journey will end and you are ready to work in this wonderful field and make real profits through it.
The growth and development of online freelancing
One of the main reasons for freelancing spreading in the world is the widespread internet and smartphones around the world. On the other hand, there has been an increase in jobs in companies and organizations related to it, web design and development and applications, digital marketing of all types of business, all the work related to electronic journalism, as well as creative work functions such as designers Graphic.

In fact, institutions and companies are not able to run so many permanently for so many reasons, including financial burdens. Therefore, some institutions and companies have tended to use the competencies and expertise of independents, to complete some of their work in exchange for a financial amount agreed upon, and within a specified period of time.
Of course, this has helped companies get rid of a lot of the burdens associated with full-time employees.
On the other hand, there are a lot of small business owners or even ordinary people who need to complete some tasks constantly, and who find freelancers a great opportunity to complete the tasks they want at good prices.

What will you learn in the freelancing guide?
The freelancing guide is a separate lesson, each of which discusses a particular idea and covers a special topic in the field of freelancing, so you will learn from each lesson something different and new (we strongly recommend that you read all the lessons and it is best to read them sequentially according to their order in the list at the end of the article).

Freelancing lessons are sequential and one-on-one lessons that together serve as a comprehensive guide for every beginner. This is a list of the most important things you will learn from the freelancing guide.
1- You will understand the idea of freelancing with a simplified illustration, how it works, the most important statistics of freelancing and the size of its accelerated growth, the opportunities and possibilities it offers for all, and what advantages freelancing offers.

2- You will learn about the most important freelancing fields in our Arab region, and how each of them contains many other sub-areas under it.

3- In clear and simple points you will learn how to start freelancing, and what you really need to get into this area and start making profits through it.

4- You will learn about the most important general skills that must be available in The Freelancer, a list of skills you need to have to achieve the best performance of your work.

5- You'll learn about a list of the most important and best tools that everyone in the freelancing field needs, great tools that will help you get your jobs done faster, easier and more accurately.

6. You will learn about the idea of portfolio and its importance in the field of freelancing, and you will learn a list of the most important tools and services through which you can build a Portfolio.

7- You will learn about freelancing platforms and how they are a great way to start in the field of freelancing, and you will learn about the list of the most important and best free business platforms Arab and foreign.

8- You will learn about the most important problems and obstacles that you may face in the field of freelancing online and how to deal with these problems and overcome them and turn them into advantages as well.

9- In the end, we will include you a set of important tips and ideas for the field of freelancing, these tips will avoid you a lot of problems, and will save you a lot of time and effort in the future.
Notes on the freelancing guide

This guide is not intended to learn the areas of freelancing, through which you will not learn to design or write for example, but it is a guide to how to start in the field of freelancing, which in my opinion is more important than just learning design (there are a lot of courses specialized in learning everything and they are available on the Internet and some of them It's totally free. This, of course, does not conflict with our future plan to address separate articles that talk about each area of freelancing and how to learn it.

This guide is a new contribution from the Entrepreneur Blog for You to improve your career through the Internet and its opportunities and possibilities. This guide is the third contribution, after the success and great benefit that has been provided through the guide to improve affiliate marketing and work at home.

We can only deliver this guide to everyone who needs it with your help, so don't let go of us and others and share this guide, and help them find a substance that can really change their lives for the better.

So lets get started 

first lesson: What is freelancing?