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Instagram Marketing Guide in 2020

Instagram Marketing Guide in 2020

Instagram Marketing Guide in 2020

Social Media has become an essential part of the lives of many people of all ages and nationalities, and Instagram has taken a big place among social media in a very short time.

Whatever your business or profession, whether you depend on a website, a shop to get money, and whether it's a freelancer, a service or a product sale, marketing is your concern.

This is because the main principle of marketing is to put your product or service in front of those who want it, so you have to market it on Instagram, and take advantage of the presence of your potential customers on the Instagram platform.

But Instagram marketing is a special platform, not just putting some posts and photos into your account and it's over if you do, then you have to know that you're wasting a lot of easy opportunities and profits.

That's why in this comprehensive guide, we'll show you how to market your product or service via Instagram correctly, with a lot of examples to make the profits you want from the great Instagram platform.

The Instagram platform should be marketed by anyone

This question may be asked by some, "Is Instagram worth all this attention?" Or, maybe others say that Instagram is just a platform that brings together teenagers to view their photos and brag about their friends and family.

The best way to answer this question is with the following statistics.

- There are 500 million interactive users on Instagram every day
    - 8 million business accounts on Instagram
- 64% of Instagram users aged 18 to 34
 - 80% of users follow a business account
- 30% of users bought a specific product because of Instagram

I won't tell you to look at all those numbers i have collected from several sources, but you have to check the last number. 30% of Instagram users have purchased a particular product because of seeing a post on Instagram, you know what that means?

This means that Instagram is one of the most important tools that any marketer or employer who wants to market his product or service, must rely on.

Instagram is a great world that brings everyone, whether teenagers interested in what's new or older people who want to renew their lives and activity in various fields, so Instagram is one of the most important tools for making money online, which is exploited by a lot of people.

I hope I convinced you to rely on marketing on Instagram, and in the next few lines, I'll tell you the full strategy that makes you make the best use of this platform.

if you have no idea how to make money from Instagram then you should read this article:
- how to make money form Instagram in 2020

Set your goal from Instagram marketing

In the world of digital marketing the goal is everything, and achieving the goal is the true meaning of success, so you have to ask yourself this question "What do you want from being on the Instagram platform?"

The question may seem simple to you, but it is very important, and it represents a necessary step by for professional marketers. You must set your goal with high accuracy.

Would you like to have new customers for your company, service or even your shop? Do you want your brand to become popular among people?

Or do you want to use the Instagram platform to get traffic to your website, maybe you're relying on profit from ads and want to increase traffic?

Maybe you want to use the Instagram platform to provide customer service to your customers, people don't rely on phone calls like before, maybe your customers will text you to find out about your services and products via Instagram?

There are many, many other reasons, you may have one or more of these reasons to rely on Instagram, but the goal of this step is to identify these reasons accurately because they will have a strong impact on the next steps.

Own a business account on Instagram

This is a piece of information that I think everyone knows, which is that Instagram is owned by Facebook, so you can't make a Business account on Instagram unless you have a Business account on Facebook itself.

The Business Account on Instagram has many benefits, all of which make you get a lot of information that will help you achieve your goals and the most important of these benefits:

- Get information and analysis about your audience, and what kind of content they prefer.
- Find out the best times to post on Instagram.
- Link your official Facebook page to your Instagram account.
- You can post the same content on Facebook and Instagram at the same time, saving you a lot of time
- Exploit past data to make ads on Instagram.

So when you sign up for a new Instagram account, choose to have a business account, and the rest of the steps are easy as you'll have to sign in with your Facebook account.

If you already have an Instagram account you can easily convert it to a Business account, click on the settings icon in your profile and click on the check shown in the picture below.

After that, you will be asked to link this account to the Facebook page you want (so if you don't have a Facebook page create one, it's very easy)

Have a professional profile on Instagram

A profile is the conversion page, the page that decides who is visiting it whether or not to follow your account, so you should take care of it to get as many followers as possible.

1- Username and photo

start first with the image you use for your Instagram account, this is a very simple step, use your brand or logo.

As for the username (the name that represents your brand), this name is very important you should choose a domain-related name, perhaps your site name, company or personal name, and this step is also very easy especially at the beginning because you can change that name later at any time.

2- Bio

A Bio is a 160-character that Instagram allows you to write some words about your account, these words are irrelevant in Instagram's eye (because Instagram algorithms don't rely on them, so it doesn't matter whether or not some keywords are used) but they are very important to users.

A Bio should answer this question, "what is the benefit from following this account?" and then decide whether to click on a follow mark or not.

This short Bio can be edited at any time, so it's a lot used to put links to some of their products, websites, store addresses or phone numbers, and Instagram only allows one link to your Bio.

That's why you can change this link constantly depending on your call to action or CTA marketing campaigns and goals. That's why a lot of marketers consider a Bio to be the best place for the CTA you want.

If you follow the previous steps carefully, you will have a professional Instagram account, which will make you attract new customers to your business every day.

Select the quality of your audience on the Instagram platform

Identifying the audience you want to target on the Instagram platform will make your marketing campaigns very effective and efficient, and you'll know exactly what kind of problems your audience is facing.

Let me explain this to you, I remember the perfume advertisements, especially international brands such as Dior, Calvin Klein, and other famous brands, you will always find in these ads famous actors, movie scenes and spectacular views because those who want to buy perfume want to have this effect.

You will not find in any of these ads any information about the type of fragrance or materials used in it, because this does not solve the problem of the target people, does not achieve their goals, people do not buy perfumes because of its ingredients, but buy to make an impression on others.

If you notice that the nature of these ads has not changed over the years, that's because these perfume manufacturers understand their audience well and know exactly what they want.

That's why you need to know everything about your audience, what they want, what problems they face in their daily lives, what goals they're trying to achieve, or at least exploit them in the content you're providing.

Study your competitors on Instagram

You're not the only one who uses Instagram for marketing, so you have to study your competitors, especially at the beginning, maybe you're confused about how to create the right content for your business, or you might want to know how people interact with your competitors.

Examining competitors will also help you know the market, the quality of the customers who prefer these products, the services you want to promote on your account, and many other important things.

Increase your followers on Instagram

There is a lot of ways to increase followers on Instagram, and each method has a certain style, and so as not to make this article long and because we want the information to be complete, we will publish a complete and detailed guide on increasing followers on Instagram

But I'll give you some quick tips to increase your followers:

Use the video heavily.
Use Instagram Stories.
Publish at the best of times.
Respond to all comments.
Use one color so that all the content you provide has the same character.
Collaborate with influencers in your field.
Publish at least 5 times a day.
Promote your Instagram account through other social media.

How to turn your followers into customers

We've talked about CTA before and I've given you an example, but let me explain it to you more than you as an online marketer when you're putting up any content or publication you want to reach a goal.

In the end, these goals should increase your profits, for example, you want to have more followers to increase your potential customers, so your profits increase and so on.

To turn as many of your followers into customers, you need to take care of what we call Conversion Optimization, meaning that every connection between you and the potential customer should be very easy.

We've talked about content before, and we've also talked about creating a unique profile that attracts people, all of which makes it easier to increase conversions, but that's not enough.

To increase conversions, you need to give your customers a gift, you may only offer them exclusive offers and discounts on Instagram, and you can make quick contests for them and the winner gives them a gift.

You can also give some free products to some of your followers so they can try your products and share their opinions with their friends (and by the way you can use that content in your account as well) so people trust you.

There are different marketing methods, but what I've mentioned to you before is the most prevalent on Instagram, but as I told you earlier, as long as you help your audience and provide them with what they want, they'll have more confidence in you, and trust is the foundation between any customer and business owner.

I hope that I have explained to you the importance of Instagram in marketing and that you can actually create your brand and make a lot of money through it and if you want more tips, tricks and guidance on how to market your business, make profit through Instagram and how to increase your followers from 0 to 100K I advise you to review this product that will give you All you need and more.

 and in the end, please let me know your opinion in the comment section and share this article with your friends.