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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

"What is digital marketing?" a question many young people around the world have been asking lately and want to know its answer, but perhaps few realize that they are part of the digital marketing system.

After reading this article you will be able to find out why you are part of the system, but you will also have the threads that will enable you to transform your role from just a recipient to an actor and a beneficiary of digital marketing system.

Maybe you need to get to know the world of digital marketing because you are curious and you want to know for the sake of knowledge, and maybe because you are seeking to enter this field out of the desire to get a modern business opportunity, and maybe because you are the owner of business and you want to move your business a step forward by promoting it through effective and modern Digital marketing methods.

However, allow me to tell you that digital marketing is a subject that really deserves attention, and let me also tell you that this particular topic you are reading now is really worth your time because here I will give you a lot of information, details, and resources that you will not find in another site :

In this comprehensive guide, we will talk about a lot of points about digital marketing including:

 The concept of digital marketing in a simplified and comprehensive way.
 Digital marketing characteristics.
 The most important channels of digital marketing.
 The most important disciplines of digital marketing.
 What are the practical steps to create a digital marketing system for a product or service?
 How to take advantage of the world of digital marketing in so many ways.

What is Digital Marketing?

Marketing is as old as time and is an essential element of the success of any business regardless of its size and the field to which it belongs, and marketing has been confined for decades to magazines, newspapers and television channels, and these were the most sophisticated and effective marketing channels until the appearance of the Internet and modern technology and Change Everything, a new era has begun and a new concept of marketing called Digital Marketing

Digital marketing : is the application of general principles in marketing science through the use of modern technology tools, particularly the Internet, which is also the tactics and strategies used to transform the tangible market into a virtual digital market,
Through it, the customer can be accessed in innovative and modern ways such as E-Mail, SMS, mobile applications,  social media sites, search engines... Etc

E-marketing is the most important and largest channel of digital marketing, but it still falls under digital marketing and is not synonymous with it, digital marketing goes beyond the idea of e-

marketing to include under his banner everything related to modern technology, for example, SMS marketing is possible to achieve Whether the phone is connected to the Internet or not, it belongs to digital marketing.

Digital marketing is concerned with business processes based on the concept of "E-CRM", a shorthand for the term Electronic Customer Relationship Management by studying the market, searching for new customers, serving existing and old customers, and allowing customers to contribute to product development and services provided.

Characteristics and advantages of Digital Marketing

1-  direct interaction between the client and business

Through digital marketing, customers can express their wishes directly to the organization or business, by responding directly to the marketing elements issued by the organization.

For example, the customer can express his opinion directly about one of the company's products by writing a comment on one of its pages on Social Media, of course, this helps the organization to understand customers and their desires and problems and this gives them an opportunity to develop and grow.

2-Ability to target well

With accurate customer data and information, digital marketing enables organizations to accurately target potential customers through whom good sales can be achieved.

Through digital marketing, you can target customers according to dozens of criteria, including:


Type (male/female)


Recent visits to sites

Search words

Academic qualification

The geographical location where the customer is now.

Are you now aware that you are part of the world of digital marketing, being a digital customer that companies are targeting through digital advertising!

3-Fair cost and ability to control the marketing budget more flexibly

Digital marketing is very effective in promoting business and achieving profits and costs here is measured by the size of the gains or profits that can be achieved through this cost.In the world of digital marketing, you can pay for every customer who watches a promotional video for your product, rather than paying a large amount in TV ads that you can't control for each particular target customer.

4-The ability to collect and reuse data

With the advanced technology provided by digital marketing, business owners can collect and retain customer data, and then reuse it again to deliver outstanding marketing offers, or achieve more sales to the same customers who have bought it before.

5- make the improvements based on results

One of the most important features of digital marketing is the ability to monitor, record and analyze marketing results, and then make the right decisions that help businesses develop and improve.In digital marketing, we analyze everything, from the level of interaction on Social Media to the rate of opening email marketing, watching marketing videos, until sales.The analysis here includes age, gender, interests and income level... Etc.

6-Speed of obtaining results compared to traditional marketing

With digital marketing you often see results quickly, on one hand, you can steer marketing in the direction you want precisely, and on the other hand, you can measure everything and you can see the results first.If, for example, you're a product owner, you can immediately create a Social Media page, start a marketing campaign and see your target customers interact with your campaign within an hour of creating and approving it.

The most important channels of digital marketing

There are many channels of digital marketing, digital marketing as much as we have mentioned above is any marketing process that introduces technology, modern and developed communication means. In the below we will address some of the most important  channels of digital marketing:

content Marketing by creating a website

It is the most important marketing channel in the digital marketing of professional organizations, in which the owner of business creates a website that represents the company and contains detailed data and information about the company's products or services, as well as the work of a blog for the site to present topics in the field of business specialization, in order to attract customers seeking to gather information on the subject before making a purchase.

One of the most important channels that have proved important in the last decade in the world of digital marketing. Social media marketing aims to attract customers and consumers, introduce them to the brand, interact with them and provide whatever data and information they would like to receive about the product or service.
Ultimately, the purpose is to turn target customers into real customers by completing the purchase process, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, And Youtube.
here is a set of articles to know more about social media marketing:

    - marketing using Facebook 
  - marketing using Youtube
     - marketing using Instagram
- marketing using twitter

E-mail marketing

One of the oldest ways of digital marketing, but still very effective in the marketing process, is used extensively to note the latest updates or to display new ad content for customers.
When using this technology, be careful, many customers are upset about a large number of emails, so don't be rude and provide your information just without exaggeration.
E-mail marketing, in short, is to create a mailing list of targeted customers, and send marketing messages to those customers to attract them back to the website or online store, thereby generating more revenue from the same customer.

Improving search engines

It is also called Search Engine Marketing, a highly effective marketing channel through which the business owner makes the required improvements in the content of his site in order to appear in the first search results, and then attract more people interested in what is offered, and ultimately to achieve sales.

Marketing by texting

Text messages are one of the most effective marketing channels in digital marketing, it enables the business owner to send a direct text message to the target customer's phone, the text message will arrive whether the customer is connected to the Internet or not. Yes, text messages are limited in a number of words, but they are very effective if used intelligently.

digital marketing team of any organization?

The Digital Marketing Team is responsible for raising awareness of your organization's brand and achieving more sales. This is done through all available digital marketing channels, whether free or paid.
There are a lot of specialties in digital marketing, but not every organization has to have a team of all existing marketing disciplines.
The size of the marketing team here depends on the size of the organization, the number of marketing channels you want to work through, and the goals you seek... Etc.
In small businesses, for example, a single marketing specialist may be assigned to perform a lot of tasks.

Here are some of the most important digital marketing disciplines:

SEO Specialist

His job is to work on the company's website to upgrade it in search engines, and also works with the creator to ensure that the content they write performs well to keep up with the requirements of search engines.
Content Marketing Specialist
The content marketer's job is to write quality content for the company's website blog to attract more potential customers. The content writer should also be familiar with SEO basics to produce content that is compatible with search transactions.

Social Media Manager

Its primary task is to schedule publications, text content and visual content of the company, and to follow up on the impressions provided by the public. The social media manager should work with content marketing specialists to develop a strategy for posting content on social media.
Marketing Automation Coordinator
Its primary task is to select programs that allow the entire marketing team to understand customer behavior, measure your organization's business growth rate, the rate of opening of emails, click ads in advertising campaigns, and potential customer access rates.

Marketing Data Analyst

The function of a data analyst in digital marketing is to obtain and analyze data and marketing results through specialized programs, and then to come up with decisions that will help the organization to be more efficient in guiding its digital marketing efforts.

Digital Marketing Challenges

The spread of digital channels

Consumers use many digital channels, a set of devices that use different protocols and specifications and different interfaces, and they interact with these devices in different ways and for different purposes.

Big competition

Digital channels are more effective than traditional media, making them attractive to almost all businesses of all sizes, and as a result, there is considerable competition for access to potential customers through digital marketing channels.

Data inflation

Consumers leave behind a huge series of data in digital channels, so it's difficult to handle this data professionally to get the right targeting to achieve the best possible results.
Difficulty getting a professional marketing team
Despite the growth and spread of the idea of digital marketing in our Arab region, the market still needs professionals in all disciplines, and this makes the task of getting a good digital marketing team a difficult task for every organization.

Digital Marketing Steps

Let's say you're the owner of a business, or you want to create a new business, and now you want to start marketing your business through digital marketing channels, so what should you do? Here's what we'll discuss in this part of our article in simple and concise steps:

1-Start conducting market research

Market research is the cornerstone of the marketing plan, and marketing experts in this step through specialized programs and tools measure the size of market demand on business's own products or services and try to collect as much data and information about the target customers.
This step also includes examining competitors, reaching their strengths and weaknesses, and then identifying the competitive advantage that businesses will seek to compete through.

2-Preparing marketing strategy

In this step, the steps of the marketing process are developed, the tasks are identified for different teams, the marketing budget, and the digital marketing channels that will be focused on them.
The marketing plan is a very important and highly successful step, and the plan must be accurate and divided for the long term and short term and must contain innovative and intelligent ideas, in order to ensure the success of the marketing process and distinguish it from any marketing plan for any other competitor.

3-Building digital marketing assets 

This includes creating a business website to identify it and to help attract potential customers through digital content.
It also includes the work of professional business pages on social networking sites, as well as building a marketing system (purchasing marketing and analytical software, and participating in marketing service by e-mail... Etc).

4-Start establishing marketing campaigns 

In this step, the specialized marketing team is supposed to start its marketing activities and campaigns, and accordingly, the data is collected and analyzed that will help improve the marketing process and avoid future errors.
It is worth mentioning here that the digital marketing process is very flexible, and has no ceiling for quality, it is an ongoing improvement process and always contains opportunities and possibilities to get better results and profits.

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