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marketing strategy

What is the marketing strategy?

marketing strategy

A person cannot call himself a " professional marketer " except when he knows very well what a marketing strategy is, and how he does one job whether for his project or for his various marketing campaigns.

And this is what I'm going to show you in the next few minutes in detail with lots of practical examples, and the information you need to become a professional marketer.

In this guide we will answer the following questions:

What is a simple marketing strategy with practical examples?
Why should you rely on a tight marketing strategy?
What does the marketing strategy consist of?
What are the most important marketing channels you can rely on, and the most important tools that you can use?

What is the marketing strategy?
A marketing strategy is a set of practical steps that you take to achieve specific marketing goals for your company, by exploiting the various marketing channels.

For example, suppose you want to make $ 100,000 in profits for your company this year - according to your marketing plan that I mentioned earlier - and that works in the clothing industry.

To achieve this goal, you may do any of the following:

YouTube Marketing.
Go to the shops to try to persuade them to promote your clothes.
Create a Facebook page to promote your clothes online.
Make a funded ad on Facebook.
Each of the above is a separate marketing strategy. In order to create a funded advertisement on Facebook, for example, there are specific information and steps that you must take(  targeting - designing a promotional video in a specific style ) and others.

Also, in order to promote your clothes to the owners of the shops, you must know the residential areas that you will distribute in, and you must analyze and study some competitors.

For this reason, the concept of the marketing strategy appeared, as it represents all the practical steps that you will take in order to take advantage of any marketing channel because Facebook is a marketing channel that differs from the promotion through the shops.

Perhaps the most famous of these marketing channels, which suit almost all areas are:

SEO (get free visits to your website, such as blogs and stores).
Ads founded on search engines.
YouTube channels.
Free accounts on social media ( Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn - Twitter).
Paid advertisements on social media.
Advertisements on television and radio.
Print ads ( flyer - billboards ).

The importance of marketing strategy
Marketing strategy is not a modern idea, since ancient times, large traders have relied on reading the market, knowing what people are searching for and what competitors are doing in order to make profits.

This marketing strategy is extremely important for any entrepreneur or professional marketer who wants the product or service he is promoting to reach people and make profits from them.

This importance is represented in the following points:

1- Marketing strategy saves money
This is the most important reason for many marketers. In order to make profits, you have to reduce expenses, and this is what the marketing strategy helps you with.

Suppose, for example, that you spend on advertising and promotion $1000 in order to achieve the profits of $5000, what if I told you a marketing strategy that makes you spend the same amount but will double or triple your profits three times.

Or maybe you spend only $500  and you will achieve the same returns, meaning that if you spend all 1000 you will achieve twice the profits, this is the power of marketing strategies.

Or perhaps with some effort, you use one of the free marketing strategies that helps you to achieve great profits without the need to start a budget.
2- Marketing strategy enables you to make the right decisions
Marketing strategy is the practical steps that you implement on the ground in order to achieve the goals of your project or company, and therefore any decision you will make will be based on the results you achieve.

For example, suppose you discover that your product does not achieve the desired results after many attempts, and this may change the product itself or develop it.

Or perhaps you discover your customers' need for additional service or a new product that complements what you offer, so you decide to manufacture it, all this you will know through different marketing strategies.

3- Marketing strategy is the first link with customers
The first time any new customer hears about you is through the marketing channels that you use, if your marketing strategy is tight you can build a good relationship with your audience for long periods.

For this, you must be a professional in the use of different marketing strategies in order to achieve your goals easily.

I think you have now confirmed that the marketing strategy is an indispensable step if you want to market any product or service.

Marketing strategy elements
The marketing strategy depends on several specific and arranged elements, for this you must adhere to this arrangement, which can dispense with any one of them if it does not suit the nature of the product or service that you are promoting.

1- Smart little goals you want to achieve
Perhaps you want to make big profits or build a brand that your audience trusts, or maybe put some sales figures you want to achieve this year in your marketing plan.

The goals for each marketing strategy differ from that, they are small and specific goals, you must convert your big goals into specific small goals.

For example, you can target:

Selling 10,000 items of products you're promoting this month.
The number of followers on Facebook increased from 1000 to 2500 during this month.
The number of subscribers to the mailing list increased from 3500 to 7000 during this month.
You have to set small goals that you can implement in a short period of time, in order to be able to evaluate your efforts and the different marketing channels that depend on them.

Remember that the goals must be logical, it is better to set an easy goal and achieve what is higher than that you set a large goal and not achieve it, and also remember that you will analyze all the results that you collected in order to improve yourself in the future.

If this is your first time to develop a specific marketing strategy, start with the simplest possible goals, and target higher numbers and profits over time.
2- The clients you are targeting
Accurately write your clients' personality traits
This step in writing the marketing plan is very important for many reasons, and even though some marketers or executives ignore it.

The importance of customer identification is due to:

Defining the most important sectors of the audience that the company focuses on.
Determine the problems and pain experienced by these characters.
Determine the type of content that must be created in order to address this audience.
Determine the most important marketing channels that this audience depends on in order for the marketing department to focus on it.
Keep in mind that a successful marketing plan should work to bring ideal customers to the company, and not just anyone who might be interested and click on an article link or an ad on the social media.

In order to paint the personalities of your ideal customers, you must collect the following data about each character:

Geographical location,
Average monthly or an annual salary,
Social status,
Personal habits (sports - reading - video games).
The social media platforms you prefer.
Places you might visit frequently( Gym - Libraries).
General interests (weight loss - travel - environment - human rights).
Personal goals( salary increase - job promotion - childbearing).
The more accurate this information is about the character you draw, the better. This information is very useful for the marketing department, especially for advertising professionals, because it helps them to target accurately.
3- Available resources
What budget will you save to achieve the goals we set previously, what are the marketing channels that you have a certain rule that you can use in the promotion process( blog - channel on YouTube - accounts on social media).

You have to take advantage of every resource in your hands and every person in your team to achieve your goals. Perhaps you have a professional photographer or expert writer or anyone can perform certain tasks to implement the marketing strategy.

Let me assure you once again of the importance of preparing the comprehensive marketing plan because then you will know all the resources available to you and the budget that you move in general.

Here you can allocate a portion of these resources to implement each marketing strategy separately.
4- Time map
This element is where you put all the information you have collected in progress and under review, so you define all the steps of your marketing strategy in a practical manner with the right time for it.
The most important marketing channels that you can rely on
Each marketing channel has a special character, which you have to understand well in order to optimize the use of your money and time, so you may promote your products on Facebook while YouTube is better for you.

For this you have to be aware of the most important marketing channels available in order to choose what suits you best and do not worry, you are on the winners' website, and here you will find all the information that you may need.

I will now put in your hands the most important marketing channels, and all the resources and tools you need to master them:

Facebook: The most important marketing channel because it suits most age groups and interests, which you can master through the full Facebook Marketing Guide.
YouTube: a great marketing channel that you can rely on either for free or through funded ads, and I think you will need to know the answer to a question how do I use youtube in advertising.
Google search engine: the most powerful search engine in the world, and who will know how to benefit from it if you see the complete SEO guide, and also if you know what Google ads are.
Instagram: The first photo site in the world that suits many industries, clothing, beauty and sports, and you can use it for your benefit through the complete guide to marketing via Instagram.
Twitter: one of the most important marketing channel as it suits most age groups and interests, its very powerful in marketing and you can get more knowledge here in twitter comprehensiveguide.
All you need now is implementation, then analyze the results. All these marketing channels have great analysis tools, and you will learn about each of them and how to use it through the text links that I have set up for you above.

You now know very well what is the marketing strategy, its importance and elements, and the most important marketing channels that you need, thus you are qualified to see the best and most effective e-marketing strategies.

At the end of this article, I strongly recommend you to watch this video to see how people can make serious money through using marketing strategies this changed the life for a lot of people their income become better their standard of living, their way of thinking and now it is your turn to be one of them

If you want to know more about marketing strategies, social media marketing, SEO, digital marketing I will provide a set of courses on Fiverr in the next few days with discount more than 70% these courses will help you to start your business or growing an existing one please comment if you are interested in these courses and don’t forget to mention your friends and please tell me in the comment section If you like our content

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