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What are the most effective e-marketing strategies in 2020?

What are the most effective e-marketing strategies in 2020?

What are the most effective e-marketing strategies in 2020?

Every day there is new information, discoveries, and updates in the world of marketing, all with the aim of facilitating the mission of marketers and entrepreneurs and increasing their profits.

You will want to benefit from all this and do not miss out on opportunities to increase your sales and profits, you have to know the best e-marketing strategies this year.

In the next few minutes you will get to know the following e-marketing strategies:

Use Podcast.
Reliance on influencer marketing.
What is the Smart Bidding and how to use it to your advantage?
The need to rely on Flywheel In digital marketing at this particular time.
The local SEO that many Arab entrepreneurs overlook.
Need to use ChatBots.
Relying on the live broadcast to communicate with customers.
In each strategy you will know what it is and how you can benefit from it, we will provide you with all the tools and information you need in a simple and clear way.

1- Use Podcast Widely
I think you heard before about Podcasts If you do not know it, it is radio programs on the Internet, as if you are listening to your favorite program on the radio, but through the Internet, whether through a telephone application or one of the internet browsers on the computer.

The effect of Podcasts has increased Significantly in the recent period, and the demand for it has increased in the Arab world, there are many influencers and entrepreneurs who depend on it in the digital content industry.
The Podcasts has many advantages like:

You do not need much effort and capabilities in preparing Podcasts All you need is a good Mike, unlike videos that may need more tools and effort.
Because of the lack of time in the era of speed, we are living in now, not many people find time to watch videos or read articles as before, and here come the role Podcasts That we can listen to while doing any daily activity.
Podcasts Provide good advertising space, which can be used to promote products and services. Perhaps the most important tool for promotion is building a strong brand for those interested in it.
Podcasts is a machine for making content, for example, you can convert an interview with a guest into an article on your site, or perhaps photograph the meeting itself and have a video that you place on YouTube, and you can divide this video into small parts for posting on Instagram and Facebook.
here you will find all you need about:

There are many applications and services that help you own Successful Podcasts, such as an application Podu And Soundcloud And others.

Podcasts will have a greater and greater impact in the coming period in the Arab world, and it will become one of the most famous and used e-marketing strategies.
2- Rely on local SEO
Local SEO is the exploitation of local search engines such as Google Maps and various online archives such as Yellow Pages In marketing and getting new clients.

When you search on Google Maps on " Fish Restaurant " and show you the results, didn't you ask yourself on what basis are the results arranged? And there is another question.

What about your business? You might also own a restaurant or store to sell a service or product that people constantly search for. What if you appear in the first result of the search? What will happen then to your business?

Local SEO has become a marketing strategy that you have to use to your advantage, and unlike many other e-marketing strategies, you do not need much effort.

All you need is the following:

  • Have a free account at Google My Business.
  • Put your business information (the type of service - work times - pictures of products and offers).
  • Attention to put your data on all the archive sites for your domain so that you can get some backlinks.
  • Put the same name and data for your services on your website and your accounts on social media.
  • Ask your new customers to rely on Google Maps instructions to reach you.
  • Ask your customers to rate your services on Google Maps, and other places that allow this.
After that, you will get more than wonderful results and take advantage of this marketing channel, which is overlooked by many marketers and business owners in the Arab world.

3- Dependence on Flywheel strategy
Flywheel is an engineering tool used to store energy, and you do not need to be an engineer to use it in marketing your services and products.
To be honest with you, this principle in marketing is very old, but due to the development and emergence of many marketing channels, many marketers have become overlooked.
Many marketers rely on building their own marketing stages, or what is known as Funnels For example, they do:
  • Make funded advertising campaigns on Facebook, for example, to obtain the data of interested clients.
  • Contacting interested clients by email, phone, and social media accounts to promote products and services.
Then complete the sale.
Then repeat the above again and again using the various marketing channels.
This method depends on spending money continuously in the promotion process, and also completely ignorant of the customer you got, you as a marketer never use it in the promotion process.

That’s why I told you that the Flywheel strategy is Old, it relies on customers to promote, or so-called Word of Mouth This is what many people depend on to get what they want.

Think about your recent purchases of various products, you will find that you bought it based on previous interaction with the owners of these products, or based on the nomination of one of your friends or influencers that you follow.

This is the goal of the Flywheel strategy, What is required of you is to harness a lot of your capabilities in providing all the amenities for your customers, to provide them with everything they need, to take care of their affairs and strive to achieve their goals.

You can do the following:

  • Build a database where you explain in the video how to use your services for your clients.
  • Provide excellent support service.
  • Communicate with your former customers to check on them, and make sure they don't face any issue with your products.
And other ideas that you can make your customers happy, and thus you will find that they help you in promoting without making any effort in making advertising.

Imagine if you did both, using different advertisements and marketing channels, and also you provided customer service with an ideal user experience ... Do you imagine the number of profits that you make?

This strategy is very important, as many experts in the field of marketing believe that the first way to promote your products and services is customer service and user experience, so do not lose sight of that, whatever field or industry you work in.
4- Dependence on the Chat Bots
Have you ever communicated with any Facebook page or website, and found that you are talking to a robot that answers you with automatic responses to answer your common questions, or collects some information about you so that the company can contact you later?

This is one of the e-marketing strategies that many marketers have become dependent on, because it has proven tremendous success, especially in collecting data for interested clients.

How many times do visitors see your website or Facebook page, sends you a message to inquire about a specific thing and does not find someone to answer it? You never have to lose these profits.

The most important tips about chat Bots:

  • Its cost is very low.
  • You can use it on many applications like Messenger, Which most people use or separately on your site.
  • Simple and easy tool to use.
  • Save a lot of time.
This is not all, Chat Bots enables you to create a list of subscribers - like the Email List - Which you can use to promote the latest offers and products.

If this is your first time building the Chat Bots, I advise you to start building Bot Simple on Facebook so you can try how to build it and arrange the information you will give it to your visitors.

Then you can move to build Bot to Your website, which you can use to provide support service to your customers as well, and perhaps the best platform that you can rely on is the ManyChat platform.

5- Relying on smart Bidding
Smart Bidding is the next trend in the world of funded ads.

Google has released the latest updates to Google Ads platform it has Lots of tools that help marketers evaluate ads and allocate different budgets for each ad campaign completely automatically.

All this by using artificial intelligence techniques to collect and analyze data and anticipate results, to help marketers make the right decisions easily.

Facebook has also released several updates like CBO - Campaign Budget Optimization, And others to help marketers more accurately use their budget, thereby achieving more profit.

With All these new updates you have a lot of options, and provide you with a lot of possibilities that you must use to achieve your marketing goals, so do not waste these opportunities from your hands.

6- Rely on video more and more

Statista Company expected that by 2021 almost 80% of all traffic will be online via video ... I think you do not need further evidence of the importance of video.

That is why if the video is one of the marketing strategies that depend on it ... you have to rely on it more and more, and if you do not depend on it then you should not waste more time.

You can post the video to a lot of platforms like:

Your blog or website
Tik Tok
These videos can be short and simple, they can be rather long and explain some of the complex concepts of your audience. If you provide customer service to your audience.

Or depend on selling a service or product that needs explanation, then making a video is the best choice you have to use to deliver a good message to your customers, and designing professional videos is not as difficult as before.

7- Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is one of the best marketing strategies of the recent period, on which many marketers and large and medium-sized companies depend.

The idea itself old, I think you remember ads that we have seen since we were born until now, which always contain a singer or actor or a famous soccer player.

Now in the era of social media and the openness that we currently live in, there are stars and influencers in all fields and on all platforms such as:

  • A large Facebook page.
  • An account has a large number of followers on Instagram.
  • Great website owner in any field.
  • Owners of medium and large channels on YouTube ( Science - Technology - Football - Entertainment )
All of these are influential and have audiences and followers who listen to them and their advice and guidance, and if someone talks about a service or product is a good way many followers will buy this product.

For this you have to take advantage of this marketing strategy to your advantage, you must search for all influencers in your field and search for ways to cooperate with them.

For example, you can offer them a free trial of your product or service in exchange for promoting their followers or offer them some money to nominate your products on their site or through their pages on social media.

Or you can give them free products that they use how they want, or just special discounts that they give to their own audiences, or even that they depend on the principle of commission marketing and give them a percentage of the profits of each purchase they bring to you.

Influencer marketing is one of the most effective e-marketing strategies, but unfortunately, it is not used well by Arab marketers, business owners, and entrepreneurs.

8- Live Streaming
Live Streaming is one of the forms of communication with the public that should not be overlooked from this year, and the truth is many companies and institutions have become using this marketing strategy, so why not be one of them?

You always need to communicate with your customers and help them solve any problem they suffer from, and it is better to do this directly and not through some e-mail or message.

This is where you can use Live Streaming, so imagine, for example, that you are doing one of the following:

Do a live video weekly or monthly on your YouTube channel, in which you answer your customers' questions or your audience, and solve their problems...
Live broadcast on Facebook Group explaining some strategies for your distinguished clients in order to benefit more from your services.
Live broadcast on your Instagram account showing the latest developments, new products or services that you will offer.
The live broadcast has many benefits, perhaps the most important:

  • Building a strong relationship with your customers, and making them depend on you more, and trusting that you are always there to serve and help them, and therefore remain your loyal customers, and even market your products among their knowledge for free without even asking them.
  • Show a personal face to your brand, maybe you or one of customer service team or one of the developers in your company is the one who will do broadcast or maybe more than one person, all of this makes customers trust you more because they talk to a human-like them and not a machine.
  • You can then use the live video broadcasts on your site to explain various services and products or to answer common questions.
Live Streaming will cost you almost nothing, you only need your phone, or a camera if you want, and maybe a free program to coordinate the broadcast if you will display the screen of your device if you use it in the explanation ... that's all.
and here you can find all you need about:
You should rely on the live broadcast, as it is the most effective method of communicating with customers and building long-term relationships at this time, and not just simply responding to customer comments on your posts on social media.

I have tried to remind you of the best e-marketing strategies that may be new to you, but this does not neglect the importance of other common marketing strategies that everyone knows like:

And I want to remember you that the best e-marketing strategies for you are the strategies that you can implement efficiently, do not run behind the trend and new ideas before you are sure that you can use them properly according to the capabilities available to you.
I mentioned in previous articles a lot about online marketing and Here you will find all you need to know about :

I also want you to remember that everything depends on the experience and data collection, so you must test each marketing strategy before you start to implement it in order to make sure it works for your business.

And continue to test and develop based on the results, as this is the most important characteristic of the professional marketer, as he collects all possible data and uses it to make the right decisions that help him achieve his goals.
And if you are already seeking to start your career in marketing, but you prefer some supervision and assistance, then I highly recommend you to join one of these courses and start with them step by step as these courses are provided by the best trainers on the Internet, people who have already achieved millions through their work as marketers And through their implementation of the strategies that we explain here, therefore I advise you to check these courses and choose the most appropriate for you
1- overnight millionaire

2- project management template

3- super affiliate program