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Best Ways To Make Money With Facebook

Best Ways To Make Money With Facebook

Best Ways To Make Money With Facebook

In fact, now there are a lot of ways to profit directly from Facebook, this is in addition to many other indirect methods that mainly depend on Facebook's marketing power.
In this article, I will give you all possible ways to make money from Facebook, either directly or indirectly.

The most important ways to profit from Facebook
Facebook is the third largest website in the world, and it is one of the great advertising platforms that no business can neglect to be on. In fact, this creates tremendous marketing opportunities for every business owner, and then creates profit opportunities for many.

But a massive entity like Facebook was not satisfied with that. In the past few years, it has expanded its services and specialization, and this has in fact created many profit opportunities for anyone who is smart enough to take advantage of what Facebook offers.

If you want to know the importance of Facebook in marketing, I advise you to read this article

-         Marketing with Facebook

Now, let's get to know the different ways to profit from our Facebook page:

Firstly, ways to profit from Facebook directly

In this section we will look at a group of relatively direct and modern methods, through which you can obtain a direct profit from Facebook.

1- Profiting from Facebook through videos

Now Facebook video publishers can participate in the program Ad Breaks, and earn from their videos by placing ads on them. The profit from Facebook videos is very similar to the profit from YouTube.

It works as follows: Every Facebook page owner uploads videos and shares them with followers, he can subscribe to a program that is provided by Facebook and is called Ad Breaks Through this program, ads are placed on the videos, and then the owner of the videos makes a profit from these ads.

In fact, it is not that simple, there are conditions imposed by Facebook, and must apply to you as a page owner to start making profits from the videos published on your page.
Here is a list of conditions for making a profit from Facebook videos:

-     Videos must be published from a Facebook page, not from a personal account.
-     This page should have at least 10,000 followers.
-     Profit from Facebook videos must be available in your country and the language in which you post the videos.
-     In the last 60 days, you must have had 30,000 views for at least one minute, and the videos that received these views must have been at least 3 minutes long.

If the conditions for profit from Facebook through videos apply to you, you can start with this link

2- Profit from Facebook through applications

In April 2014, Facebook expanded the scope of its advertising company Audience Network, Through which every smartphone app owner can profit from this app.

In case you have an application for smartphones that are running Android or IOS Then you can register with the Facebook company Audience Network then ads will be placed on this app so that you can make profits from these ads.

If you have an application and want to profit from it through Facebook, you can start using this link

3- Profit from Facebook through games

If you use Facebook, it is possible that you have previously played an instant game through it, and it is also likely that you have noticed that there are ads appearing while you are playing these games.

In the event that you have skills in designing and programming games, and have a good knowledge of the programming language html 5, Then you are eligible to earn from Facebook via instant games. You can start designing and developing a simple game, and include it in the list of instant games on Facebook, and then Facebook places ads on it and starts making profits through it.

If you are interested in this way to earn from Facebook, you can start using this link

4- Profit from Facebook through instant articles

slow internet is a problem that many Internet users around the world suffer from, and as a Facebook initiative to help solve this problem, he has created a new technology to open articles called Instant Articles.

Through this technology, Facebook users can open the articles that are shared from the sites instantly, as soon as you click on the article link on Facebook it will be opened directly in front of the user. These articles are marked with the detonator sign as shown in the picture below.

The wonderful thing is that Facebook allows website owners to use this technology completely free of charge, through a set of simple settings that are applied on the website. In fact, this is not only what Facebook offers, it also allows website owners to make profits through their online articles.

You can start monetizing Facebook with instant articles using This link

5- Profit from Facebook through Facebook Marketplace

Now all Facebook users can display their products for sale to other users, through this wonderful service offered by Facebook. This service enables everyone to add their own products to appear in front of other users according to geographical distribution.

Via Facebook Marketplace Communication between the owner of the product and the buyer takes place through Facebook Messenger, and everything is agreed upon and the sales process is achieved and then the profits are made to the owner of the product.

Second, indirect ways to profit from Facebook

As mentioned above, indirect ways to profit from Facebook mainly come from Facebook's marketing power, as it is the first and most important social networking site in the world with close to 2 billion monthly users.

Let's start with a list of the most important indirectly ways to profit from Facebook:

1- Profit from Facebook by renting advertisements to others.

If you have a Facebook page with a large number of members, you can make it an advertising tool for others by opening the door for accepting paid advertisements with it. Every person wants to create an ad that can contact you and agree with them on the details and prices of the ad on your page.

In this case, you can use the same page to announce that you accept third-party ads.
This method can be implemented through groups as well, where you can create a group that specializes in a specific field, and then rent advertising flyers for a percentage.

2- Profit from Facebook by affiliate marketing

in affiliate marketing You can use Facebook's marketing power for the benefit of others, and in return you get commission from the company or site you are marketing for. There are offers, services and products in almost every field you imagine. No matter what the topic of your page or group talks about it, there is always a service, commodity, or offer appropriate to its content.

The great thing here is that you can create a page specifically if you find a good product that enables affiliate marketing, and you can of course use funded ads to get the highest possible level of profits.

3- Profit from Facebook by obtaining visitors to your blog or website

if you have the skill to write and are really interested in the topic covered by your Facebook page, and you have good information, you can create a blog or website and write articles like the posts you provide on your page, but in a more organized, Professional and comprehensive way. In this case instead of sharing your thoughts directly with your page members, you will post them to your website or blog, and of course there are many ways to make money online, which you can use one of them to generate profits.

4- Profit from Facebook by marketing your business

If you have a special business, and you want to achieve more sales and then more profits, there is no better marketing available for you than marketing on Facebook. You can create a special page for your restaurant, for example, and display the menu you offer.

You can also view the most important features of this restaurant, such as the level of hygiene, the quality of the materials used, the service provided ... etc. Of course here you can use funded ads and target the geographic area covered by your business.

5- Profit from Facebook by marketing to yourself as a freelancer

if you are working in the field of freelancing, and you want to get more customers, and then more profits, then Facebook is your best way to market yourself as a freelancer.

One of the main factors for the success of Freelancer is to be famous in the field in which it specializes, and of course social networking sites, especially Facebook, are an excellent way for every Freelancer to market his skills.

6- Profit from Facebook by managing the pages of others

in case you have experience in the field of managing Facebook pages from creating attractive posts, and communicating with followers ... etc., this option to profit from Facebook is a great option for you.

There is no business owner at the moment who can neglect the idea of ​​creating a Facebook page to represent his business, this of course created a huge demand for managers of Facebook pages. By creating a Facebook page to express your marketing skills, you can attract a lot of customers and generate more profits.

If you still do not have the capabilities and expertise to start profiting from Facebook and other social media sites such as Twitter, YouTube, and others, then here are some sources that will help you get started:

1- I recommend you to enroll in this free course from Udemy, which will explain in detail everything you would like to know about marketing through Facebook.

2- Read this article in which i explained the importance of using Social Media in Marketing

3- Download this free book, which also explains the importance of Facebook in marketing

4- If you really want to achieve huge profits through e-marketing and work online, then I advise you to buy my gig on Fiverr, which will save you a lot of money.

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