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Marketing using Facebook Expectations vs. Reality

Marketing via Facebook (Beginner's Guide 2020)

Marketing using Facebook

All internet users in most countries of the world use Facebook, the third most visited website every day, so Facebook one of the tops of Social Media sites and many industries and companies rely on it.
Because of this great control, Facebook marketing has become a fundamental necessity for e-marketing in this era, and some even believe that every minute any marketer wastes not relying on Facebook will regret it.

That's why we're going to introduce the full strategy of Facebook marketing in a simple and practical way, so that anyone, whether an expert or a beginner in the world of digital marketing, can benefit.

Why should you marketing using Facebook?

According to Facebook's official newssite itself, its daily active users were 1.56 billion at the end of March.
Facebook is the most powerful database in the world right now because it knows almost everything about its users at all times using advanced ai algorithms.

This huge potential is currently being used by marketers to make millions of dollars from Facebook, there are giant companies and institutions around the world that rely entirely on Facebook, and there are also specialized companies that offer Facebook marketing services.

That's why you have to rely on Facebook in your marketing plan whether free or paid because the power of data and analytics that Facebook gives you is very powerful... Don't miss the opportunity.

Marketing using Facebook

Set your goal from Facebook marketing

In what marketing plan do you have to set its goal, what do you want from being on Facebook? You must answer this question with precision in order to invest your time and effort properly.
Do you want to have new customers for your company or service? Do you want to sell your products? Or do you want to provide customer service and respond to your followers' queries using Facebook?

Do you have a website (whether a content site, an online store) or a YouTube channel, and would like to have a free or paid traffic? If that's your goal, Facebook is your choice.

The more you choose a specific goal from the beginning (and you can select more than one goal by your business) the easier it is to the task, especially in determining the quality of the content you post to your followers.

If you want to sell products directly on Facebook, I advise you to use Facebook Marketplace.

Have a professional Facebook page

Whatever your business, you need a Facebook page, this page represents your brand, especially since every piece of information you put on your Facebook page is used.
Facebook is a huge search engine, so the more accurate the information you put, the more Facebook puts your page in front of users interested in the same field.

If you already have a Facebook page, make sure it contains the following:

• High-quality profile and professional background - It's best to have your location or company's logo.
• The purpose of the business -nonprofit page and the type of industry in which it operates.
• An accurate description of the page and its purpose.
• Link to your site or channel on YouTube if any.
• Make a username for your page so that people can easily reach you (that name will be the link to your page)
• Location if you own a company, shop or restaurant, with work schedules and phone numbers

Select CTA for your Facebook page

CTA is an abbreviation for Call To Action in the sense of the action you want your customers to do. For example, would you like visitors to your page to be able to call you directly?

This is very useful if you have a service related to the booking, or rely on customer information about the service (e.g. medical clinics, real estate services, etc.) because when the visitor presses the connection tag, the connection app in his phone will automatically open your number.

Or do you want to have visitors text you on Facebook Messenger at the touch of a button? Or do you want to email you directly (this method is best for freelancers)
You can select the right option by setting up your Facebook page.

Use Facebook Messenger Bots for marketing

The free online messaging service has always been very important, not only for ordinary users but also for marketers, because of its ease and its simple cost (or often free).

That's why Facebook has developed a messenger app.
To add to your information, Facebook has also acquired the popular Whatsapp, which millions of people use daily for free, and plans to include it with Messenger for use more often, especially in ads, as it relies heavily on it to collect information about users.

Because of Facebook Messenger's popularity and the reliability of many people, Facebook has allowed companies to develop robots to respond to people automatically.

You can set up some responses to answer your customers or your contacts on the page (ex, anyone asking for your address can give it a link to your location on maps, and so on).
Not only that, but you can also group these users into a list (just like you collect e-mails in a mailing list to text them later) so you can email them with products and offers directly to their phones.
The way these robots are set up is very easy, there are a lot of pages that you use (and I rely heavily on them), and the best companies that offer this service are Manychat.
You can start for free and provide you with all the explanations you need in the video.

Use Facebook Groups

In recent years, Facebook has reduced the size of Organic Reach, meaning that the posts you put on your page don't reach all your followers as before, and this percentage is lower every day.
Facebook wants people to rely more on ads so they can reach their followers, and also to win new followers and customers, so Facebook ads have become necessary for many business owners.

That's why people are becoming more dependent on Facebook groups, since any post you put in them reaches all subscribers, especially if they like it and check it constantly.
Facebook enables you to create a group with the same name as your Facebook page so that you can communicate with your customers faster, and you can allow group members to post their own content.

In order to keep your page professional, you can't allow anyone to post it, so Facebook Group is the perfect solution for you to answer your customers' questions or followers consistently and professionally.

Facebook Group has other features as well because you can use it to promote your services or products free of charge. Look for your domain's own or you think their members are interested in what you're offering.

Subscribe to these groups and provide content that is in place for these members, and you can also promote your services at any time, but beware of promoting too much so that you do not violate the rules of those groups and you are expelled from them.

know your audience very well

As I mentioned earlier, Facebook offers great analytics and data that you should use, so with page Analytics on your page you can learn a lot about your audience's interests.

You can find out what kind of content they prefer, their times, their age and gender, and the different information that will certainly help you with your marketing campaigns as well as the content you provide.

Not only that, you can collect information through Facebook pages and popular groups in your field, or owned by your competitors, and that's how you'll know a lot about them.

When you visit any page you'll find on the left (or on the right if you use Facebook in Arabic) the word "Info and Ads" which if you click on it you will be able to see which ads you're shopping for.
This way you can legitimately spy on your competitors' campaigns, find out what kind of content they use to mimic them or inspire them.

Facebook is also an excellent way to know the problems, objectives, and ambitions of your target audience, and the more you know the angles you need to use to promote this audience, thus providing offers, services, and products that solve these problems and help them achieve their goals.

Select the type of content you will provide

There are a lot of types of publications that you can show your audience, all depending on your marketing goal and your audience's own as i mentioned in previous points.

That's why you should try and test, but try not to post content for profit only or promote your products, you should provide introductory and educational content to your audience.
Ask your audience what information they want to know, do surveys. Use Facebook Live to answer your audience's questions and communicate with them in person.

All of these things increase trust between you and your potential customers and help you easily promote this audience that has become dependent on you for information and trusts your experience and ability to help it.

Provide customer service via Facebook

Customer service or after-sales service is one of the most important pillars of the art of marketing that makes more profit for any business or service. That's why you need to communicate with your customers in every way you can.

Facebook offers you this service for free at no cost. That's why your response to your customers should be very high, either through your official page or through Messenger.

You must be ready to answer all questions and solve all problems efficiently and accurately, in order to maintain a good reputation among your customers, the more friendly you are with them and answer all their questions the more they remain loyal to you and will continue to deal with you constantly and therefore your profits increase.

Use Facebook ads

Facebook ads are currently the best option for anyone looking for paid traffic, you can make ads at a very low cost, especially if your audience is in the Arab world.

Facebook has a lot of information about its users, so you can target any group or segment of people, regardless of their interests, age, and places where they live with extreme accuracy.

The longer you wait and wait to rely on this method, the higher the cost of those ads due to their popularity and increased demand, and you certainly learn the law of supply and demand.

Analyze the results of your efforts in Facebook marketing 

You've set your goal from the beginning, now it's time to measure the results, you have to keep in mind that every minute you spend making content or communicating with your customers is priced, and it has to pay off otherwise you're wasting your time.

Whether you rely on money for marketing either through advertising or for the content industry, all this should have a tangible return on your business.

Have you done all the previous steps? Have you increased your customers? Have you achieved higher sales and increased your profits? Your answer must be yes, otherwise you are in danger.

Facebook is used by all people in any field or industry, so if you don't achieve success through it then there is definitely a problem with your marketing plan, make sure the content and the way you communicate with customers and change your way to achieve better results.

The more successful you are and the more you earn, the more you have to review your plan again until you improve it and constantly adjust it, you may find ways to save money or effort, especially with Facebook's never-ending development.

Every period there is a particular method in which it is dominated, just as e-marketing was the best in the early 2000s, and then marketing through Google ads, then marketing through SEO and search engines.

Currently, Facebook marketing is the strongest and the best, so don't waste the opportunity of your hands and redouble your efforts and invest your time, effort and money in this giant platform.

here as a bonus for you to help you start :

1-  free course from udemy will help you a lot to start making money from your Facebook page

2- a book that explains every thing you need to know about marketing using Facebook

3- if you want to know more about the power of social media marketing and online business then check my gig on Fiverr it will save you a lot of money

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