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Social Media Marketing Guide 2020

Social Media Marketing Guide 2020

Social Media Marketing Guide 2020

The golden rule of marketing is to put the product or service in front of those who want it in time, and according to the latest statistics, the population of this planet reached 57.7 billion people by the beginning of this year 2020.
You know that 42% of this total — approximately 3.8 billion people — use social media on an almost daily basis worldwide.

For this reason, social media marketing has become an essential for any marketer or employer, regardless of the type of product or service provided in any field or industry.
Social media marketing is a content industry suitable for every site (e.g. Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) to promote different products and services.
This content should be perfectly suited for each platform — each social networking site has certain characteristics that we'll display later — so that it increases sales and also helps spread the brand among potential customers.
This is why in this comprehensive guide to social media marketing you will find everything you need to increase your conversion ratios (turning the user into a permanent customer for you), and achieve your marketing goals in the best 
possible way.
here you can find more about using social media in marketing:

    - marketing using Facebook
  - marketing using Youtube
     - marketing using Instagram
- marketing using twitter

The importance of social media marketing

It is true that you know that social media marketing is very important for your business, but there are certain details that I would like to present to you in the following points , so that you can correctly set your goals .

1- Increase customer awareness of what you offer

According to a fascinating statistic from the popular Oberlo website about how Social Media websites affect customer decisions when purchasing any product or service.
It may be shown as follows:
• 54% of social media users rely on them to search for new products and services.
• 71% of customers who like a particular product nominate them for their friends and acquaintances on Social Media.
• 73% of business owners in any field believe that marketing through Social Media is very effective.
Social media users spend an average of 2:22 hours a day on these sites.
Having your company or service on social media helps you spread awareness among people, which is very important to get the attention of those who are interested in what you offer to buy from you.
Not only that, but your constant communication brings you closer to them, making them constantly contact you and become your permanent customers, and you can guarantee a constant profit.

2- Marketing through social media sites is suitable for any business

Whatever your business, whether you're relying on a website, a shop, a service provider, or even a freelancer, you can exploit social media for your benefit.
This is the splendor of Social Media, where you can use it to communicate with your customers, sell services directly to them, or provide customer service and after-sales services at high speed.
That's why you have to think carefully about the quality of your business, and the best way to take advantage of social media sites.

3- Social media sites help you read the market

A good marketer has to read the market deeply in order to make the right decisions. Market reading includes knowledge of new trends and customer interests to deliver a product that suits them.
Market reading also depends on the monitoring of competitors and what they offer, the quality of content they rely on to promote their products, and the extent to which customers interact with them.
All this information you can find very easily on social media for free, just know where to look for this information.

4. You can start with any budget

Any means of marketing depends on money, especially traditional ones, printing advertising leaflets, banners, posters, etc. costs a certain amount of money, as well as advertising campaigns on tv or radio.
This is unlike social media marketing, where you can start marketing for free, all you have to do is put the effort to create appropriate content.
That's not all, the most important advantage in marketing through Social Media is the analytics and data you collect, where you can measure the revenue of your marketing campaigns and how effective the content you offer unlike the other means you mentioned earlier.
Now you are fully aware of the importance of social media marketing, and the different angles you can rely on to promote your products and services. Now is the time to create a complete marketing plan to achieve the best results.

The right strategy for marketing via social media

Without a clear step-by-step strategy you won't do well on Social Media, so you'll find the following steps very important for you to start your business online Let's go.

1. Set your goal of social media marketing

What exactly do you want from social media? Do you want to get new customers only? Do you want to provide customer service and follow-up with your customers to answer their queries?
Would you like to have a traffic update for your website via Social Media? Or do you want to make people aware of your stores and business?
Setting the goal is very necessary because the content industry process will depend on it... Let me explain this to you with practical examples where I put myself in your place.

Let's say I'm a restaurant owner, so I'm going to use Social Media so that most of my content is exclusive to followers, as well as content that introduces me to the quality of the food and recipes we offer in the restaurant.

I will also rely on contacting them, assisting them in the event of any problem, and Will answer any queries they have so that they can trust more in my brand.
This way the content you provide will be appropriate for your goals, helping you strengthen the relationship between you and your customers, and this will result in more profits for you.

2. Collect all information about your customers

Examining your customers' personality, goals and problems is the key to the success of any marketing campaign. That's why you have to ask yourself a few questions to paint them an accurate picture:
- What is your average customer age?
- Are your clients men or women or both ?
- What is the economic status of your preferred customers? Do they have to have large budgets or do you offer simple cost services?
Are there specific problems or challenges that may prevent customers from reaching you (such as time factor, place, or children)?
- What are your customers' interests related to what you have to offer (reading, football, photography, surfing the Internet)?
All of these things will help you provide an excellent service that is perfectly suited to your customers, and will also make you use these things in your social media marketing campaigns.
Let's go back to the same restaurant example .
 - Suppose I own a restaurant that serves family meals, so I'll make kids' meals, and i'll also provide them with play area, and I'll give them a range of simple gifts and toys.
This is because I know how much parents care about children, they often come out of the house to entertain them, and as long as I offer a good experience to the children, customers will be keen to visit my restaurant on an ongoing basis.
I'm going to do some simple videos for kids in designated areas, taking some pictures of them with my gifts, and promoting them on social media.
That's how I get more customers and more people connected to my restaurant, that's the real power to understand your customers and their problems and deliver content that speaks to them the right way.

3. Create interesting content

In the previous point, i mentioned the quality of the content and how to make it linked to the customers you target in your marketing campaigns. This content is very important to achieve your goals.
No matter how good the service you provide, if the content you provide is poor and inappropriate, you won't achieve anything. The content must be of high quality in order to attract attention.
These illustrations and videos explaining products or services should be an important part of the content they provide, in order to demonstrate to your customers the quality of the products and services they offer.
People generally like social directory, meaning that they see with their own eyes that other people are using the products they sell, so be sure to provide content that shows this.
Try to take photos or videos of your customers using your products, ask your customers to share their experiences with their friends and followers, and then post this content on your social media accounts.
Also try to keep the content you provide up to events that interest your customers, if there's a sports tournament, a feast, or a specific social event you have to make content about.

4. Set a timeline for your content

Content making is a cumbersome process, because it is done continuously and takes not too little time, so you have to organize this process and make large collections of content at the same time.
For this you must rely on social media account management tools. These tools enable you to make a complete table of your content, so that you publish it at times you pre-select.
So you can make a month's content in advance, and the tool determines the times you want to post. You save time and effort, and you're free to connect with and interact with your customers.
The most famous of these tools are:
The schedule will make it easier for you to monitor the content industry, identify strengths and weaknesses, whether you're making content, relying on a member of your team, or using marketing services.

5- Analyze the results

I mentioned earlier that what distinguishes social media marketing is that you can know the results very accurately. You can also test more than one method and method in the content industry.
All social media sites without exception offer you free Analytics to make the right use of those sites. But the question now is, what factors should you keep an eye on?
Let me answer you through the following list:
- Sales: This is the most important result for you, the more you increase your sales, the more you show your marketing success.

- Followers: The more followers of your social media accounts, the better, so you should keep an eye on the growth rate.

- The size of the interaction with content: The volume of comments and likes that your content receives is a very important indicator.

- Spread: Each Social Media site measures the prevalence of your content (Impressions), and the higher this number, the more you show that the content you provide is good.

- Share: Social media users share any good content with their friends, so this is a very important factor and you have to motivate your followers to do so
Keep an eye on these factors and compare results periodically (weekly-monthly) to make sure you're on the move, because you'll always find ways to improve results.

What are the best social media sites for your marketing campaign?

This question is asked by many marketers, or business owners who do not have enough experience in e-marketing, and the answer is to rely on the social media site where the largest number of your customers are located.
By the way, this does not mean that you rely on only one site and ignore the others, you can exploit all social networking sites in the marketing process, but you have to specify the most important site and then the important one.
That's why let me sum up the nature of all the most popular social media giant platforms, so it's easier for you to choose.


Facebook is a social platform, for this large segment of its users is older than 26 years old. It is a favorite site for many people to share life experiences and family news.
Most Facebook users are the decision makers in the purchasing process (parents), so Facebook marketing is absolutely essential. That's why big companies depend on it.
Facebook is also more suitable for services that require permanent communication with customers, because Facebook has a Messenger system on which many people depend.


Instagram is a visual content platform, so photos and videos have the lion's share of content. The larger base of users is 30 years of age and under.
So if you're offering entertainment services or products (restaurants, clothes, activities), Instagram is the place for you, and you need to start with it.


Twitter is the largest social network that brings together influencers and opinion makers in all fields. So if your area of work depends on communicating with influencers and decision makers, you have to rely on Twitter.


 Linkedin is a giant platform many call "Facebook Professionals". This platform was acquired by the giant Microsoft because of its powerful influence.
If your service is of interest to professionals such as programming, marketing or design, being on this platform is absolutely essential, because you will definitely find your customers there.


YouTube is the world's second largest research engine, and billions of people enter it every day to watch videos in various fields, from entertainment to educational programs.
Making content in the form of video is not easy, for this YouTube marketing is not for everyone, since it takes more time, preparation and follow-up than other social media sites.
So if you're offering activity-based services or content industry (design and graphics services, tourism services, sports activities, educational services), YouTube is the perfect platform for you.
In other articles, we will discuss in details how to use these platforms for marketing. 

Important tips for marketing using social media

Now you see the whole picture in terms of social media marketing and all its angles, and you have a clear strategy to achieve your goals.
But there are some things to keep in mind, which I made sure to give you in the form of a set of tips.

1. Use the video mainly

All social media sites even Twitter prefer content in the form of video, because it makes users spend longer on those sites.
That's why you have to include the video in your marketing plan and rely on it, and remember that in order to make social media work for you, you have to satisfy their algorithms.

2. Use ads

This is an undebatable fact, all social media platforms rely on ads to make money, so it provides you with very powerful tools to target the people you want with the content you choose.
The most important paid advertising platform is Facebook because of the power of data you have about users, their natures, and their goals that you can exploit as a marketer.

3- Publish constantly

This is necessary and you can't fail at all, you should post new content every day (not less than 3 times a day), and as I mentioned earlier you can count on a lot of tools to help you.

4- Interact and share your customers with the content you make

All social media marketing experts said that the best types of content are content made by customers, or interactive content that makes customers respond to it.
That's why large companies do competitions and surveys, and ask their customers to share their experiences with products and services so that they create a community about the product or service.
For this whatever your field you have to rely on this method in making your content.

5- Take advantage of marketing through influencers

Influencers (famous and influential social media account holders) are the celebrities of this era with whom all companies seek to work and collaborate.
That's why mobile companies are flocking to tech-channel owners to collaborate with them, and beauty and fashion companies are running behind Instagram celebrities to work with them.
For this reason you have to take advantage of this type of marketing, you are not required to cooperate with a large influencer, you can rely on small influencers (who have less than 100,000 followers) to promote your products and services.
Collaborating with influencers is not expensive at all, you can give them very small amounts or free products to review and promote among their followers. This method is very popular right now and is achieving tremendous results.

6- Use hashtags

All social media sites rely on hashtags, and even YouTube has recently become dependent on them as well. Hashtags enable users to search more easily on Social Media sites.
You can also use it to communicate with your customers, and make them make content associated with your brand or service with ease, which of course increases the popularity of your brand, and the popularity of your social media pages.
In this terrible technological age we are currently living in, Social Media is in a big position, due to the amount of interest from users, as well as the power of its tools and data.
For this reason, social media marketing is a necessity for anyone who wants to take advantage of this technology to increase their sales and profits, and to develop their own business in all areas.

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