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Twitter Marketing (Comprehensive Guide)

Twitter Marketing (Comprehensive Guide)

Twitter Marketing (Comprehensive Guide)

Twitter marketing has become a complicated channel for even the savviest social marketers. Twitter has gone from a place for people to share their every thought into a powerful marketing platform that lets brands speak to their audience in real-time. With over 321 million monthly active users, it’s easy to see why companies keep using Twitter after all of this time. But it’s no longer enough to Tweet about the latest trending topic occasionally. Like every other social media platform, finding marketing success on Twitter takes strategic planning and intentionality to stand out and keep your audience engaged. Let’s talk about the best ways to use Twitter to market your business, engage with your audience and use the platform to meet your overall social media goals.

How to use Twitter for marketing
At first glance, it may seem like the only way to use Twitter is just to show up and start Tweeting. While you do want to be prepared with plenty of content, there are some strategies that successful businesses use to stand out on the platform and use it to their advantage. Let’s dive into some Twitter marketing tips that any brand can use to make the most out of the platform.
Now you may have found out the picture of the Twitter platform, it's potential and its marketing power, but before we go into depth on Twitter marketing, you first have to understand the basics of setting up a good Twitter account.

Set up a profile on Twitter
Twitter is like most social media sites, the profile in it is very important, as it determines whether your account deserves to be followed up and attention by your target audience or not, so you have to pay close attention to it.
Here are the top three elements of your Twitter account:

1. Your Twitter account name
This is important and may be overlooked by some beginners on Twitter, especially when registering a new account, which is that the username or the so-called Twitter Handle is different from the name of the account that is displayed. Look at the picture below:

The username is PopSci, the name you choose at the beginning of the registration, which is unique and cannot be repeated, so you have to choose it carefully because you can't change it anymore. This is unlike the name of the Popular Science account that you can change at any time.

What do you do when you want a friend to see a particular post on Facebook or Instagram, you write down the name of their account in the comments, right? Or what we call Mention. The same thing happens on Twitter, so when you want someone or another account to share a conversation or tweet, you should mention your username, not the account name.

That's why you have to choose a username as close as possible to your site or company so that other Twitter users can easily identify you and share any conversation.
2- Twitter profile picture
This is very simple, use the same logo image of your site or company, or use a professional selfie with a clear background, to give a professional impression to everyone who visits your account.

3. Bio-on Twitter
Twitter only allows you 160 characters in your account description, so you should choose this description carefully, and as described in the previous example, you can place a link to your resume page or "Who we are" page on your site after you mention several simple words about the account.
Remember that it is these simple things that will make anyone decide whether or not to pursue your account.

The nature of the content on Twitter
What makes any content spread so quickly on Social Media? Of course, you've heard before about viral content that spreads at the speed of the rocket as soon as it's posted.

This is due to the nature of each Social Media site, for example, Facebook finds funny clips and family photos the most prevalent.

Instagram, you'll find the most popular photos or videos of fashion or bodybuilding, because Instagram is a photo site that's originally a favorite of visual content.

                                  - How to profit from youtube                        
                             - How to profit from Facebook                

As for Twitter, it's a more professional site, preferring new content and exclusive news, and even 71% of Twitter users use it to learn new news and information.

Did you follow the news of the Samsung Galaxy Fold, which was talked about by all the pioneers of the phone industry and influencers around the world? This phone has some technical problems, so Samsung decided to postpone its market release.
You know, all those problems and flaws in this phone spread because of Twitter, so that the news sites themselves covering this event mentioned the tweets of Twitter users in the articles.

This is the nature of the content on Twitter, new content, exclusive new news, and experiences, and integrated and useful information in various fields is more prevalent than others.
Twitter's best platform to gather influencers
Let's say you're the owner of a marketing site, What would happen if someone like Neil Patel, one of the world's most famous marketers, mentioned your site in one of his posts or Tweets on Twitter... Wouldn't that be great? This is the real power of Twitter as it brings influencers in most areas in one place, so Twitter is not a major source of traffic, but a source of influence.

You can see most influencers in your domain, you can see what content they're posting and prefer, making it easy for you to communicate with them.
You can use these influencers to publish your content, so you get visits to your site or service, or you can promote a specific service you do either in the field of self-employment or even if you own a company.
With these influencers, you can easily find out what's new in your field, so you can easily create new content for your site or even your YouTube channel.

That's why I consider Twitter to be a gold mine when it comes to influencers, and later I'll tell you how you can take advantage of that with a practical example.
How to find influencers on Twitter
Searching for influencers is very simple and you can use the following tools and methods to find out accurately what you want:

NinjaOutreach: This tool lets you know the most famous influencers in any field, search the subject or area you care about, and this tool will take care of the rest.
Buzzsumo: When you're looking for a topic, this tool extracts the most popular articles posted on social media sites on this topic, you can easily find out which accounts have posted these articles on Twitter and get a lot of influencers in your field.
You can register a free account and enjoy many of the features offered by this tool.
Search on Google: You can find any information, article or influence on any social media site on Google if you learn how to search professionally on Google.
Search in Tweets: When you find a tweet with a lot of interaction — a lot of likes and repostings — you can press the lake button or repost to see who liked or reposted it.
So you can find a lot of influencers in your field, this method is very distinctive and easy and doesn't require much effort.
How to connect with twitter influencers
Some of you have a list of influencers in your field on Twitter, you can communicate with them and benefit from this communication for the benefit of your site or service, but you have to do it the right way.

You should know that you are not the only one who communicates with these influencers, and you are not the only one who wants to benefit from them, so you are not like the child of the beard who just wants to achieve his interest, but you have to do the exact opposite and you will be the first.
For example, if I'm communicating with a marketing influencer, I'll send him a new search for some marketing techniques, or a case study that might help him with his work or in a new article he writes.

You may have found a problem, a defect, or something that could be improved on his website or Twitter account, maybe I designed a new logo or infographic for one of his articles.
I can mention many examples, but I think you understood the idea, give the benefit first and don't ask for a direct payment, and with the time you can ask this influencer to cooperate with you.
Is Twitter marketing useful for your business?
Now that you've shown the image in your field and the size of the influencers and the nature of the content in this field... You know whether Twitter marketing is really useful to you or not, and if you're still hesitant, let me help you.

Marketing of new sites and projects
If you want to market for a new site or service, Twitter will not be the place for you, start first marketing through Facebook and then Instagram, and after you build a base of followers and interested in what you offer, turn to Twitter because you then have some credibility, and you will be influential in your field even if it is simple.
Marketing by twitter influencers
As long as you have a site, company or reliable service, you need influencers, and if your area is about technology, the industry in all its fields, Twitter is the first platform you have to take care of. Whether your area is about fashion, sports or eating, Instagram is your first choice, and after you build a strong strategy and have followers there, you can go to Twitter.

A mistake that many people make when marketing on Twitter
There are many changes taking place in the sources of visitors... Whether it's Google updates that affect free visitors from search engines, or From Facebook when you've changed the content display policy recently, there's always something new.

These changes may affect you negatively or positively, so you should not put all your eggs in one basket and use all available methods and tools. All you have to do is set your priorities.

Twitter is a very important source for traffic and influencers, Instagram or Facebook may be better for your business as you explained earlier, but that doesn't mean you leave Twitter, on the contrary, you have to take care of it and make a good plan for it.
As long as you have the resources and time, and you've been successful on other Social Media platforms, you should use Twitter.
Set a clear target for your content
This is a very important thing that no marketer should ignore, what is the purpose of the content?  What do you want your audience to do after following this content? Do you just want to have traffic? Do you want to get leads? Do you want to enlarge your mailing list?
You need to set this up in advance, and also measure the results to make sure you're effective about your content or the marketing method you've followed on Twitter.

As we've explained earlier, Twitter is a place that brings together influencers, so getting Leads for your business is the best choice, so try to promote content that brings you as many leads as possible, to reap the greatest benefits from Twitter marketing.
You can use freely available Twitter tools such as Twitter Analytics to learn what your audience prefers and achieve your goals.

You can also use link shortcuts like Bitly to rate the amount of savings you get from your Tweets, and in this way, you can test more than one style for your Tweets to see which one scored better and therefore use it more.

To make the perfect tweet on Twitter remember the following
Twitter allows you only 280 characters per tweet, so you have to choose your words very carefully, although you must have broken down your content on several consecutive Tweets.

Tweet at the best of times, Twitter analytics gives you the best times your followers have, but in general, try to tweet a lot of tweets on public holidays.

You also have to get a lot of Twitter early and at the time you're done working in the country you're targeting because these are the times when people are more likely to follow Social Media.

You have to use the video more, and according to Twitter, videos increase interaction 10 times more, and images increase the interaction twice as much as tweets that don't contain images, especially animated images (GIFs).

Work smartly as mentioned in this article, and you will achieve your goals

Don't forget to share the topic with your friends in order to benefit.