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Strategies to Make Money With Instagram in 2020

Strategies to Make Money With Instagram in 2020

Strategies to Make Money With Instagram in 2020

Profiting from Instagram has always been a puzzle for many, can I sit in my house and have the project that get me more money just by using Instagram?

I spend a lot of time on different social media sites, so can I turn this wasted time into money?

In this article I'm not going to put forward some general ideas about make money from Instagram, then tell you that you can make thousands of dollars from Instagram, then leave you and go, that's not going to happen.

In this article you'll find all the possible strategies for make money with Instagram with practical examples, as well as tools and resources that will help you with each strategy to achieve what you want.

The wave of Social Media, which now prevails in almost all societies around the world, creates new opportunities and methods that were not previously available... What is important is that you should work hard to benefit from these opportunities.

I'll start with you in terms of understanding the nature of Instagram, the nature of your profile on it, and what you're targeting in your account (what you're talking about in your posts), and this is the cornerstone of making a profit from Instagram, follow me and don't be lazy and read the article with focus until the end, especially the last part of the tips.

here you will know how to market your business on Instagram

What is Instagram?

Of course, you know what Instagram is – a social media site where users view photos and some short videos – everyone knows this... But that's not what I mean.

point here is to draw your attention to several important and distinctive features that are not found in any social media other than Instagram, which will help you understand this platform and make it easier for you to profit from it.

Instagram Profile

Your Instagram profile is different from most other social media sites, as the number of your posts since you launched your account, the number of followers, and the number of accounts you follow are all visible.

Anyone visiting your profile can also read your bio, which you need to take a lot of care about to convince them to follow you.

They can also find out your latest posts and take a quick look at your profile, and it's often this look that makes them decide whether or not to click Follow.

The topic your Instagram account is targeting

The topic, or Niche, represents the area your account is targeting.

The best way to make money from your Instagram account is to allocate your account to a particular topic or area, where your posts are relevant to and serve all those interested in the field.

It can be your account for fitness and beauty, clothes, pets and many more. The more specific your area is, the better you can get profit opportunities.

Of course, it's best to choose your account area from real interest and passion. This way you can create it, and give a real benefit to your followers.

When anyone visits your Instagram profile and can answer this question "How will I benefit from this account" as soon as possible, this means that your account is specialized and therefore your chances of getting more followers are increased.

Now let's take on the most important and best ways to profit from Instagram:

1- Profit from Instagram through affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most important and profitable types of marketing, but many may not know about it.

Imagine when your friend asks you about the t-shirt or dress you are wearing, you take your friend to the clothing store you buy from, then that person buys the same product, and then the owner of the clothing store gives you a commission for you to bring him a customer.

In short, this is affiliate marketing, you are promoting the offers or products of some companies, and when anyone buys through your link you get a commission.

Give advice and benefit to your followers in your field, provide them with valuable information about the products or services that benefit them with the status of your links, so you offer the benefit and so are they.

How do I get affiliate Offers to promote on Instagram?

This is also a question that may come to your mind, and it also depends on the audience you are targeting, whether it is an Arab or foreign audience, but I will answer the question no matter what audience you are targeting or where you are going to specialize.

There are several affiliate marketing programs, and also there are specialized platforms that combine lots of offers and products in one place called affiliate network, so it's very easy for you to choose offers.
The following programs and platforms are the most important of all:

1- Amazon affiliate Marketing Program: A very powerful program, as you will find on Amazon everything you can imagine that is appropriate for any audience and country in the world.

2- Souq affiliate Marketing Program: Souq website is affiliated with Amazon by the way - one of the most famous Arab stores on which many depend.

Although there have been some recent reports of some problems in this program, it is still one of the most important commission marketing programs in the world, and these problems may have been solved at the time you read this article, especially since it is now under the management of the Amazon giant.

3- Gomia affiliate Marketing Program: Gomia has also become a well-known and trusted store, and it has an excellent affiliate marketing system.
4- ClickBank: These are the most important platforms that enable you to start marketing affiliate easily, it offers many products in many areas, which you can start promoting.

5- Marketing programs for any service you use: There are a lot of companies that make their affiliate marketing programs, so think about any product or service you use or are important to your audience, and see if they have a commission marketing program.

There are many platforms and programs for marketing the Arab and international affiliates, which I did not mention so that the article does not become long.

2- Profit from Instagram through cooperation with companies and brands

Why do so many international companies and brands of stars and celebrities turn to their ads? Because they have an influence and many want to imitate them.

But this has changed considerably in the modern era so that influencers are not only actors, singers and football players, but also the influencers of social media, who have an important role to play.

Think of the famous characters you follow on any Social Media site such as Instagram or YouTube, you'll find a lot of them advertising a particular product, or promoting a company in a publication and video.

There are a lot of companies and brands that collaborate with these influencers, influential social media account holders, especially Instagram.

You can also cooperate with these companies, no matter how many followers you have, as long as they are active followers in a specific field, such cooperation is a presentation of the products of these companies, or a review of those products or advertising campaigns, and giving some of these products free of charge to your followers.

3. Profit from Instagram through paid publications

This method is similar to the previous method but slightly different from it, as you can collaborate with influencers like you and not famous or well-known companies and brands.

Someone wants to publish their account or service to your audience to get followers.

You may have a pet account such as cats, and I own a product or service related to this, so I will pay for a specific video or publication about this product.

This method is famous and a good source of income, especially in the age of the drop shipping we are currently living in. This method is very popular especially in the Arab world because many want to have large Instagram accounts.

4- Profit from Instagram by promoting your services and your freelance business

Maybe you're a photographer or graphic artist, you can promote these services through your Instagram account, you're offering tips and benefits to your audience, and there are them or their acquaintances who need you to help them for money.

Not only is it photography, but you can also be a programmer, a web designer, or even a lawyer, it doesn't matter, as long as people who can take advantage of your services have Instagram accounts, so you can make a profit.

if you are interested in freelancing then you should read our freelancing tutorial

5- Profit from Instagram by bringing visitors to your site

You can also use Instagram to bring traffic to your site, perhaps relying on profit from Adsense or ads in general. Maybe your site depends on commission marketing or you sell a particular product directly from your site.

As long as you have a site, you certainly need traffic, and the more traffic you got, the more you will earn, and it doesn't just depend on the sites, you can count on bringing visitors to your YouTube channel or other platforms.

I hope that I have explained to you the importance of Instagram in marketing and that you can actually create your brand and make a lot of money through it and if you want more tips, tricks and guidance on how to market your business, make profit through Instagram and how to increase your followers from 0 to 100K I advise you to review this product that will give you All you need and more

- Instagram Viral Growth
- Instagram Million Guide

Important Tips for Profit from Instagram

In this part of the article, I'll give you some tips that will help you increase your Instagram profit no matter how you rely on it.

1. The perfect way to post links on Instagram

Instagram, like any other social media, likes to keep its users as long as possible on the site, so that they consume more content, so that they see ads and therefore increase the profitability of Instagram.

This is the perfect way to spread links in your profile's Bio.

2- Instagram prefers video

Recently, according to the latest updates to Instagram's algorithms, many marketers have found that video is the most popular type of content that Instagram posts among its users.

That's why I'm interested in this type of content and also Instagram stories, where you can interact with your followers more.

3. Make sure your Instagram account is a business account

When you register a new account, make it a Business Account, if you already have an Instagram account then transfer from a personal account to a Business account

4- Stay away from nonsense and cheating

This is profit advice from Instagram and any other source, don't follow the trend badly, a wave-like TechTalk or Musically, or other trivial things that don't work.

I don't want to talk about morality, but the point is not to cheat your followers, not to use cheap methods, images, and content that is not intended just to get followers and followers.

I won't explain anymore, but I think you understand my point, your online work should make you proud and be a real livelihood and business. Do not receive for temptations the means of profit from the Internet illegal or suspicious that rely on fraud are innumerable.

Do you want legal ways to make money online then check these two articles will help you to start:

- make money online 1
- make money online 2

5- Don't just stop on Instagram

After achieving success and starting a business for you to make money even if it is simple on Instagram, transfer this success and zoom it in on Facebook and YouTube.

Make other accounts and ask your followers to follow you on various social media, thereby doubling your earnings and followers, but do so only after you have achieved success first so as not to distract yourself.

Read also:

6- Think outside the box

Any work that requires a little creativity and effort, don't sit in your place and wait for you to get money out of the sky, it's not going to happen, and also don't just imitate and do what others do.

Be different and special and put an extra effort into it, and let me tell you this short story that I think will benefit you.

Recently I was talking to a girl who has an Instagram account, where she posts pictures of big and famous store deals.

At one point, she was in a large store in her residential area, and she found the owner and discussed with him that she could promote his store, and offers it for some simple free products that she would also promote by making videos.

Over time, the store owner noticed an increase in sales, and also that most customers were looking for the products that the girl was getting for free.

The store owner started paying this girl for her service, even making her a publicity officer for his store, and she became a full-time collaborator and ran the store's Instagram account. I wanted to share this account with you, but I can't do it to protect her rights.

The rules for success are very simple ... but they are not easy, they require a lot of effort, but now you have all the ingredients to make a profit from Instagram ... and perhaps soon you will share with us your success story, then I will be waiting for you then, and it will be an honor for me to talk about you.

And as usual, you will also find me in the comments, so please let me know your opinion about our content, and do not hesitate to ask any question, we will answer you with the information we have.

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