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Strategies you did not know about making money from YouTube

How to make money from YouTube

How to make money from YouTube

There are a lot of articles about make money from youTube on a lot of sites, and today I don't intend to add a new article to this list, but I intend to lay a foundation stone on how to profit from YouTube for every girl or young person who wants to take advantage of the opportunities and profitability available through YouTube.

Today I will put in your hands an integrated guide through which you can become a true, successful, famous YouTuber, capable of achieving thousands of dollars consistently and guaranteed, and in legitimate ways that comply with YouTube's laws and conditions.

There's a myth that to make money from YouTube, all you have to do is post some clips and attract viewers, then sit back and watch the money rain down on your account. Well, that sounds fun and we all hope it's that simple.

But the fact is that profit from YouTube requires time, effort, and investment as well. The results that can be reaped deserve the time, effort and investment required.

Here's a small list of some of YouTube's most important channels and earnings, from which you can estimate the huge profitability offered by YouTube:

- Daniel Midelton's DanTDM channel, which has an estimated profit of $16.5 million, has more than 19 million subscribers with 13,834,694,779 views.

- Evan Fong's VanossGaming channel, with an estimated profit of $15.5 million, has more than 23 million subscribers with 10,093,833,407 views.

- Dude Perfect, which has an estimated profit of $14 million, has more than 31 million subscribers with 6,531,844,044 views.

Why earning from YouTube an exceptional opportunity for everyone?

• Video in general and YouTube, in particular, are an excellent way to communicate an idea easily, simple and moving to Internet users.

• The Internet user is often lazy, so he prefers to see what he wants on the Internet with the least effort, and that's precisely what YouTube videos provide.

• According to statistics about YouTube, it alone attracts nearly 2 billion monthly users (1.800 billion to be exact).

• Because of YouTube's profit-sharing system, video producers have become more motivated to make videos that are efficient and professional and to cover all human interests. Accordingly, YouTube users have come to trust it as a search engine and use it not only for entertainment, but they use it to answer all their questions and solve all their problems.

• YouTube is an opportunity for anyone with a passion or interest to turn that passion or interest in an opportunity to make a profit.

• YouTube is not an opportunity for a particular category of content makers, but it opens up new horizons and opportunities for photographers, video designers, actors, and filmmakers. Etc. In short, YouTube is an online version of the world of cinema and television, it is a more innovative and flexible version, and its doors are open to all without distinction.

Here you will find everything you need to know about youtube and how to use it 

What do I need to start making money from YouTube?

1- YouTube channel idea

This point is the most important and dangerous ever in the way of profit from YouTube, and if it is implemented intelligently and wisely it shortens a lot of effort and time lost in the future.

To test the success of the YouTube channel idea you want to work on, you have to evaluate it according to two main themes, and they will be expressed here through these two questions:

1- Will your channel be about an idea you're good at?

There's always a common factor among all YouTube stars, or to say between all the successful and popular YouTube channels, that's that they're good at what they do.

Take, for example, a popular and successful YouTube channel specializing in the education of mic-up for girls. You'll find that the girl who owns the channel is interested in the world of mikiage and has great knowledge about this world, and you will always find her seeking to learn and learn about the field of mic up to offer something new to her followers.

Here you have to have the idea of a YouTube channel that revolves around an area that you are interested in, knowledgeable and well-informed about, and you have a passion and a love to always learn in this field.

2- Is there an audience that cares about what you intend to offer on your channel?

Suppose in the previous point that you are interested in astronomy and space and intend to create a YouTube channel about it, at the next point you have to measure the size of your audience expected, these are some points that will help you understand the size of your potential audience:

1- Use google tool to measure keyword search rate (KeywordPlanner), enter the most important keywords that your channel will turn around and below the monthly search rates for each word.

2. Search YouTube for channels similar to the one you want to create, and write down the number of subscriptions in each of them (remember that the small number of subscribers may be due to poor channel quality, not because there is no interested audience).

You should also search for videos similar to what you would like to offer on your channel, as some channels that offer diverse content may contain one or more videos of your channel's idea, as well as below the number of views for each video.

3- Search on Social Media for groups or pages that talk about ideas that are identical or similar to your channel idea, and below the size and level of interaction of these groups.

If you want more details about YouTube, and different ways to make money from your channel and get more subscribers , then follow the articles we publish and download these free books:

- youtube channel
- how to get 10k subscribers in a week


now let's go back to our article

2- Skills you need to start

Now you have the idea of a YouTube channel according to your interests and passion, which you found to have a large segment of the audience already interested. Now you need to know what skills you need to get the idea done.

Although working as a YouTube publisher is flexible and can be started with the least possible potential, there are some important skills you need to have in case you want to create a promising YouTube channel with a fast growth rate.

I'll list the most important skills in the YouTube world, but that doesn't necessarily mean you all need it to start and profit from your channel, so there may be certain skills you won't need depending on the nature of your channel.

It is also important to say that most successful and profitable YouTube channels are not based on one person, but behind them a whole team working together in different disciplines, so you as a channel owner should not have all the skills we'll mention below.

- Speaking, casting, acting, explaining and commenting skills

Of course, you have to have the skill to suit the nature of the content you intend to present on your channel, and to clarify, let's continue our example of space and astronomy. You have good skills in communicating information, commenting on hot news in the space world, and being able to explain and simplify difficult concepts. Etc.

- Photography skills
Video quality is a very important element to get more views, and then make more profits, and of course, video quality depends heavily on the photographer's skills.

- editing and directing skills
Good photography without good directing, it's nothing. So to complete the good video shooting, there must also be skills to produce this photo professionally, and this requires a professional video director.

- Marketing skills

Everything that happens through the Internet needs marketing efforts to pay off, and this applies to youTube profit as well. As a YouTube channel owner, you need to have some knowledge and skill about how to market your videos and channel, whether through YouTube itself or other social media or a separate blog of your YouTube channel.

But what if you don't have some of these skills and want to start under any circumstances, is there a good alternative you can count on without having to learn all these skills? Actually, yes, there's an alternative.

The alternative here is to use external sources to complete specific tasks that you do not master. For example, you can rely on yourself in the shooting stage (if you're good at it), and rely on external sources in the editing phase.

There are three different forms of external sources, which you can rely on any of them to complete youTube profit tasks, and this is an illustration of each of them:

1- Get a partner

Assuming our previous example that you're good at photography and not editing, then you can find a partner who edits and prepares videos for a percentage of the profits.

2- Hiring a freelancer

The second form of external sources is to find someone good at the skill you are looking for and contract with him, for example, you can agree with him on a certain amount for each video he edited and prepared.

3- Reliance on freelancing platforms

From my point of view, this is the easiest and fastest way to get external sources to complete specific tasks. With freelancing platforms, you can accomplish the tasks you want with great accuracy and at an excellent price.

One of the most important and popular freelancing platforms is Fiverr, where you'll find video industry professionals. You might be surprised to learn that there are about 650 gigs on Fiverr that are directed and dedicated only to youTube channel owners, covering all aspects of youtube success and profit, ranging from channel creation, marketing, video creation, marketing, and professional introduction design... Etc.

3- set of equipment and tools

Before we start listing the required tools to start your YouTube channel, we should also point out that you don't have to have all the tools that will be mentioned below, the tools required in your case depend heavily on the nature of your channel and what content you want to provide.

• Imaging equipment
Your imaging equipment can be your mobile phone camera, or it can be specialized and sophisticated heavy imaging equipment. Also included in the imaging equipment are lighting and sound recording equipment.

• Video creation and editing software
They are programs that specialize in creating and modifying videos, adding some parts in the foreground and finish, and making visual tricks... Etc.

4- Budget to meet expenses

Profit from YouTube-like any other business, it needs investment to develop to get faster growth and a greater return. You have to have a budget to meet your channel expenses, and you have to stick to that budget towards your channel, as investing in your channel will save you a lot of time and effort, which is your fastest way to get a channel that generates a satisfactory profit for you.

Steps to make money from youtube

Step 1: Create a YouTube channel

Creating a YouTube channel is a very easy step, and it does not require more than  Google account, and with some simple steps you can choose a suitable name for your channel, and then start preparing it in terms of description, image ..etc.

Step 2: Start providing your channel with videos on a constant and continuous basis 

Start publishing your videos continuously and try to start with new and attractive ideas that people interest so, you can attract subscribers to your channel. Keep posting new videos, and try to avoid the mistakes that you made in previous videos, listen to your audience even if it is a little in the beginning, try to benefit from their advice and suggestions, and encourage them to share their opinions always.

Step 3: Start promoting your channel and videos

- Create pages on social media of your YouTube channel.
- make paid advertising campaigns on YouTube.
Ask your friends, family and loved ones to help your videos reach more viewers.
- Try to reach mutual marketing agreements with channel owners in the same field or near fields

- Create a blog for your YouTube channel, and post textual content about it to your videos

Step 4: Start making a profit

There are a lot of ways to profit from YouTube, but the most important one is to link the channel to the Adsense account.
But there are also conditions for you to link the channel with Google Adsense:

1- 1000 subscribers at least.

2- 4000 hours views in the last 12 months.

3- The channel’s compliance with YouTube’s monetization policies.

4- You are resident in a country where the YouTube Partner Program is available

Note: The second condition is not 4000 views for your videos, but 4000 hours views, the results of views for all of your videos during the last 12 months, is 4000 hours.

Not the only way to profit from YouTube is Google Adsense. There are other profit methods that we will explain in another article. Be in touch.

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