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What is fiverr? how it works?

What is Fiverr How it works and why it is a treasure for everyone

What is fiverr, how it works?

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is simply a market for services, any Internet user around the world can create an account on Fiverr, to buy or sell services. According to Fiverr managers, they see that Fiverr is similar to Amazon's site, as Amazon is the largest online store of tangible products, so also Fiverr is the largest online store for services.

Fiverr managers do not provide any kind of services to others, but Fiverr is a tool or marketplace for connecting service providers and those who want to purchase these services. Fiverr 's role is to provide a platform to bring the two parties together. This platform contains a control panel to manage services or purchase orders. Fiverr also provides laws regulating work between the service provider and the applicant.

In short, Fiverr is just a broker that organizes this massive service market, and it charges a 20% commission for every successful purchase. It is worth noting here as the commission that Fiverr gets is deducted from the service provider.

Some information and facts about Fiverr:

- Fiverr is the largest and most successful global market for online services.

- To check the truth of the previous point, you can put the Fiverr link on the Alexa site for site analysis, then you will discover that Fiverr is not only the largest market for electronic services, but also one of the most important and largest sites on the Internet in general, and it comes in ranking No. 192 on the Internet.

- Fiverr is visited every month by about 40 million users who are between service providers or looking to buy them.
Fiverr has a special educational platform called Learn from Fiverr It has a lot of courses in many fields, and the great thing about this platform is that it is intended for freelancers who want to work as service providers on Fiverr, so it is a great option for learning new skills especially for Fiverr.

- Fiverr has a special section called Fiverr pro and is intended for professional and high-quality services, as these services are chosen by Fiverr experts manually, They are expensive services that are required by companies or large projects.

- Prices for services on Fiverr range from $ 5 to $ 10,000, depending on the rating of the service, its complexity and difficulty, and its quality ... etc.

- In the recent period, the service pricing system on Fiverr has become more flexible than before, so each service owner can make three different packages of service, each at a price, and each with certain advantages.

How Fiverr works ?

In this part, I will explain to you the strategy that Fiverr works, which is the system that manages the process of buying and selling services on Fiverr, and in other more specialized articles, I will discuss in more details the framework and how to start your gig and make money.

I will discuss how Fiverr works according to a set of buyer-specific information and another set of seller-specific information, and then I will briefly outline the steps of selling at Fiverr.

First is a collection of information about the buyer on Fiverr:

how does fiverr work for buyers

- To purchase a service from Fiverr you must first have an account on the site, and this account will enable you to manage the purchase and communicate with the seller, as well as manage payments.

- There is a system of communication between sellers and buyers, this system enables you to communicate with service providers to ask questions or obtain more information, or to ensure that they can carry out the required task before purchasing it.

- As a buyer, you can browse the services however you want, see the title and description of each service, the number of times it bought, and the client's opinion about this service.

- There is an advanced system for searching the services according to general and sub-classifications, and you can also filter the results according to many factors, including language, price, degree of the evaluation ... etc.

- You can buy services from Fiverr through a Paypal account or via a credit card.

Second, a set of information about the seller on Fiverr:

how does fiverr work for sellers

- To start selling on Fiverr, you also need to create an account, also, you must make a Gig for your service.

- Fiverr allows you to create 7 Gigs As a new seller, this number may increase according to your rank on the site.

- For every seller on Fiverr has a rank, this rank is determined by the date of this seller on the site and the level of its evaluation.

- After the sales process finishes successfully the site will suspend the amount owed to you as a seller for 14 days, after which you can withdraw it according to the way of payment you prefer.

- You can receive your money from Fiverr through PayPal Or your local bank account.

- After each successful sale, the buyer evaluates your service according to the degree of satisfaction obtained through your work.


 Third, how Fiverr works according to the steps of the sales process:


what can you do on fiverr

1. The seller creates an account on Fiverr, adjusts the account information, and creates the Gig That he would like to present.
2. The buyer creates an account to purchase a specific service.
3. The buyer is browsing the Gigs That provide the service he wants, for example, a video montage.
4. The buyer chooses a service and pays the service amount to Fiverr.
5. The buyer contacts the seller to explain the details he wants and to send the video file he wants to make a montage for.
6. Seller performs the service.
7. The buyer receives the service and informs the site through the control panel that he has received the service, and evaluates the seller.
8. Fiverr sends the service amount to the seller after he keeps his commission 20%.
9. After 14 days, the seller can withdraw the amount according to the desired payment method.

What to sell/buy on Fiverr

As mentioned before, Fiverr is the largest marketplace for online services, and these services can be just about anything you can imagine. The idea here is based on the following:
 “As long as you have something that you can provide to others as a service, and someone wants to buy this thing, you can profit and achieve success through Fiverr.”

This does not mean that Fiverr is a random site, and it has no system and thought to organize the services and place them in certain categories. In Fiverr, there are eight major classifications under which all services fall, and a new class has recently been added to make these classifications 9 classifications. Each of the 9 categories includes many, many more specialized subcategories.

This is an explanation of the site's 9 major rankings :
And in it, you will find all services related to drawings, pictures, designs, and infographics. This section falls under the largest number of subsections.

With it, you will find all the services related to digital marketing, starting with search engine optimization services, through the services of obtaining visitors to your site, and marketing via social media, through email, through the services of writing content.  
This includes all services related to writing and translation to and from all languages ​​of the world.

And in it, you will find all services related to the design and editing of videos of all kinds.

In it, you will find all the services related to recording and adjusting sound files, musical backgrounds, etc.

This includes all services related to programming and computer-related services and modern technology.

It includes all services associated with the world of money and Business. 

This includes all services related to human life, and it includes subsections on giving advice and exercising, health systems, entertainment ... etc.

9- Gaming
This is the section that was added recently and it is related to services related to digital games, and through it you will find services related to making and designing games, testing and designing their effects, etc.

The most important advantages and disadvantages of the Fiverr site 

In this section I will address a small group of the most important features of Fiverr and another small group of the most important flaws:

Firstly, the most important faults of Fiverr 

The points below I do not call them flaws, but through my research and my knowledge in the previous days, I was able to get the most important points that annoy some Fiverr users, which I will present to you but I will add my personal opinion about them:

The 20% commission that Fiverr holds is relatively large.
If you, as a seller, did a $ 1,000 per month in services, in the end, you would only get $ 800, and the other $ 200 would be kept by Fiverr as a commission.

I agree with many that 20 percent may represent a large percentage, but you have to remember that this is in exchange for a lot of things, including providing the opportunity to get a customer from the ground, protecting you from cheating, and providing a platform and support service to make everything easy and wonderfully organized.

anything extra you need as a buyer has to pay for
In case you want to design an infographic for your site, for example, you can get a good one at an average price of $ 15, but in case that you would like to have the source file to be able to make adjustments yourself in the future, in this case, you have to pay another $ 10, for example.
Yes, this may add material burdens, but with some focus and research among the existing services, you can reach the best results at the lowest prices.

Secondly, the most important features of Fiverr

Intelligent and fair automated system
In my view, the most important feature of Fiverr is that it provides the seller and buyer with a clear and explicit system for the process of buying and selling services, and above all, it is a transparent system, and when there is manipulation from one of the parties, there is Fiverr with his support service, which solves all transaction issues.

The popularity of the site and the increase in its number of users in an instant manner is an advantage for everyone
The market for supply and demand is often not fit in the real world, due to the lack of information, and because of the limited options and many other factors.

In the world of Fiverr, everything is available and possible, for example, a buyer with a limited budget can reach a new seller at a good price because it is new on the platform.
Also, a new seller can get a chance to start if he can compete for the price because old professional sellers offer their services for high prices.

this will not be the only article on fiver we will cover a lot of topics like how to start make a gig on fiver, more explanation for fiver marketplace and how to make money from fiver i will provide the links as soon i finish them so keep in touch and please tell me your opinion about our content in the comment section.

fiverr is a treasure for anyone and if you want to open this treasure and take from it as much as you need then i recommend this course to you catch it right now with more than 50% commission and here is just a quick preview of what you will discover inside this course:

·         Fiverr's Secret
·         The Good News?
·         The Biggest Hassle with Fiverr
·         6 Better Ways to Make Money Off Fiverr
·         Offer premium value-added services
·         Bundle others’ services and sell turnkey assets
·         Bundle others’ services and sell operational assets
·         Buy Services That Help You Buy Resellable High-Value Assets
·         Resell Cheap Fiverr Services at Other Higher Value Locations
·         Use Fiverr Services to Build Your Own Assets
·         Thats Included as: Step by Step ebpook Guide & Complete Video Course
·         Fast Action Bonus: 

1. How to make money on fiverr cheat sheet.
2. how to make money on fiverr mind map.
3. how to make money on fiverr resource guide.

 watch this video to know more

                                                      How to make money on Fiverr!                                                   

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