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Start making money on Fiverr today!


Start making money on Fiverr today!

Compared to traditional freelancing, Fiverr removes a lot of doubt and guesswork from the freelance process.

If you are looking to earn a full-time income, you have to learn how to use Fiverr the right way so if you are one of those who prefer free profit according to the level of effort and time invested, or who prefer to work in specific and precise specialties, or who love to perform specific tasks and profit through them immediately, or you are a talented person in something and want to make a profit from that, Or even you do not have any talent and want to make some money online, then this guide is for you.

In this article, I will give you a comprehensive guide on how to profit from Fiverr using your skills that you may not know but I will help you, and even if you do not have any skill then cheer up this article written for you.

This article is a continuation of the first article in which we clarified what is Fiverr and how it works and we also mentioned some free resources that you can start with to be able to profit with less effort.
you can see it from here

Are you ready to make some money let's start:

Steps to make money from Fiverr

The first step: understand Fiverr

According to my experience in the field of business and work online, and according to my experience in life in general, I believe that the key and the essential element for success in anything is to understand it deeply, so you need in the beginning to understand what Fiverr is and how it works and the best ways for you to be able to start work In it, and achieving profits many young people fall into this trap, which is jumping on the steps randomly and without studying, and the end is known, which is not reaching results and then leaving the idea completely.

But if you want to profit from Fiverr According to practical steps studied in a logical sequence, here are the points of what you have to do to understand Fiverr well.

1-  Read the previous article that I put my link on above and I'll put it back on

2-  Browse Fiverr deeply

Here I'm not going to set specific rules for you to browse Fiverr, but you just have to go to the link below, then start playing:

Yes, you read it right start playing. Use the search bar at the top and search for some jobs, browse the categories and subcategories, visit some of the seller's accounts and try to understand the data, browse some of the buyers' accounts as well and try to compare.

give this point enough time, and if you feel bored, come again tomorrow and play again. Believe me, this will save you a lot on your journey to profit from Fiverr.

3- Learn the terms of use for Fiverr.

One of the most common mistakes that new users find is account blocking. This applies not only to Fiverr but to all other profitable and marketing sites. The main reason behind closing accounts is to break the rules, and the first step in breaking the rules is not knowing them at all.

Returning to Fiverr, the Terms of Use page will not only give you an idea of ​​the points that you have to avoid in order not to block your account, but also give you an idea and information on many aspects of the Fiverr system, and the details of dealings between sellers and buyers.

I highly recommend reading this page carefully, more than once, and below is a link to access it:

If you implement the three points above, I promise you that you will have a strong and deep idea of ​​the platform you are seeking to profit from, and this literally will help you very much in the future.

Step Two: Choose the field you want to specialize in

This point varies according to you and your skills, then perhaps you are already a professional person in a specific field, you can start it with ease by doing a gig and marketing to it either if you are a beginner here you will find the most important points from which you can select a gig to sell on Fiverr:

1-  Ask yourself what is the field you love most and have knowledge about it?

Do you like to write? Do you have some skills in designing pictures? Do you have a distinctive and confident voice? Are you interested in the world of e-marketing? Do you have some simple knowledge of how to work with video editing software?

Ask this question to yourself, "What is the thing that I do distinctly from others? What is the thing that I do not find difficult or bored no matter how I repeat it” You don't have to have a full experience, but you just have to come up with an idea that you can do some effort and learn to develop? Don't worry, we'll have it in a little while so keep reading.

2-  Browse gigs on Fiverr.

One of the great advantages of Fiverr is that it is in itself a great educational and training tool. For example, you want to get ideas for services to provide and profit from, it's okay to browse Fiverr and learn about the services provided by others. There are thousands of services in each classification. in these different services, you will find ideas that you could not have thought of, which you may also offer.

3-  Choose one of the fields that have the greatest demand.

Areas such as writing and translation, and designing images and videos are among the fields that have a great demand, which you can do some effort and take educational courses to master it.

Step Three: Learn and master the field in which you intend to specialize

in the previous step, we dealt with some ideas to determine the area which intends to provide services, and in this step, we will address a range of ideas and tools that enable you to learn these areas and master it.

There are hundreds of sites that offer courses in all fields, and there are thousands of courses in all disciplines.

Below is a collection of the most important resources from which you can learn anything you want:

1- Udemy

Udemy platform is one of the most important and well-known platforms for offering online courses in all fields. on udemy platform you can find courses on anything you want to learn. In each field, make a filter and you will find hundreds of free courses that you can start with.

2- Learn From Fiverr

From my point of view, this is a brilliant solution to learn especially for work and profit from Fiverr. This platform belongs to Fiverr site, and with it, you will find many wonderful courses in many fields.

The great thing about courses in this platform is that the courses Created especially for sellers and buyers, so you'll find plenty of information and ideas to help you succeed and make money on Fiverr. Another advantage is every course you finish will appear in your account, and this gives you more confidence and credibility.

You can access this platform through the link below:

3- How to make money on Fiverr

This is an online course in which you will learn
Fiverr's secrets
The truth about making money on Fiverr.
Six different easy methods to make money on Fiverr.
You will learn everything about playing the Fiverr game the right way.
You are going to learn exactly how to think outside of the traditional freelancing box and much more.
You can access this course through this link:

Note: By completing the previous three steps, you are not only ready to work in Fiverr, but you can also work on any other freelancing platform: such as Freelancer, Upwork, People per hour, etc.

Step Four: Create a professional Fiverr account

This step is easy and does not need a lot of explanation, registration is very easy and free, you will not find it difficult, as you will find many videos on YouTube that explain how to register, so I will not talk about how to register, but I will talk about some important points to create a professional account.

To create a professional account on Fiverr, pay attention to these points:

1-   image

You have to put a high-quality image and show your face clearly, it is also important that you choose a professional image informal clothes that reflects you as a serious and professional freelancer.

2-  Story

When entering your account, you will find below the username in the upper left of this sentence “What's your story in one line”, here you should write your profession on Fiverr.

3-  Description

Description is an important point that buyers are being examined to get an idea of ​​you as a seller. You should write a professional description that shows your skills and capabilities in your area of ​​specialization. (You can also take advantage of professional accounts in your field to get an idea of ​​what needs to be written in the description).

4-  Education

I would recommend filling your education degree, this increases the value of your account.

5-  Certification

Include every course you participated in, this part is very important. I advise you to continue studying in your field of specialization and to update this part every time you pass a new course.

Step Five: Create Gig On Fiverr

This step will vary depending on your field, but there are also some important points to establish Successful gig on Fiverr :

1-  the address of the Gig

Here are some points to keep in mind on this point:

Do not put a long title as long titles do not appear in full on the main page of Fiverr, so try to put an attractive but short title as well, and most importantly, everything that expresses what you will provide.

2-  Description of the Gig

Make a comprehensive and clear description of what you will provide in detail and what you will not provide. and try to show superiority over others by explaining the unique work you will provide.

3-  The price of the Gig

Fiverr service pricing system is more sophisticated and advanced than before, and in fact, I see this is in the interest of both the seller and the buyer.

In the prevailing pricing system now you are no longer as a seller limited to the price of $ 5, but rather you are free to price your service with whatever amount you think is appropriate. Also, you can make 3 different packages from the service you provide, which are supposed to differ in their features and quality and also differ in their price.

In fact, according to all this, pricing requires some thinking and studying. Here I will not advise you to follow a specific approach, but my advice to you will be centered on two very important points:

Study competitors

Fiverr is a market for supply and demand, and you have to be smart to make your service attractive according to what is prevailing in this market.

Be generous at first

This point completes the one before it. After studying the competitors, you must bear in mind that you are a new seller, and your service price must be lower than the rest of the competitors to attract clients.

4-  Service delivery time

Time is very important in shaping the satisfaction of buyers, so you need to think seriously about the time you set yourself to complete the service. My advice to you is here to pay attention to the following.:

Give yourself enough time

Before determining the completion of the service make sure that this suits you, delay in delivery is far worse than making a period of deliveries longer than initially.

Work to complete the task before the deadline

One of the great impressions that you can give the buyer is getting the job done before the date indicated in the Gig, But never do this at the expense of quality.

Tips to make money with Fiverr

this is the last part of the article in which I will try to put some points and ideas that will help you to achieve the highest benefit from Fiverr

- be honest
Honesty here means that your words are consistent with your actions. Your sayings include everything you write about yourself in Pfeiffer. Do not make a promise that you cannot fulfill.

- Do not stop at the point of terminating the service and getting the money, rather follow up with the buyer, and make sure that the service is liked, and ask him to evaluate the service (many buyers forget the evaluation, so remind them kindly and smartly).

- Treat Fiverr with courtesy and professionalism
Avoid using vulgar words, or act unprofessionally. Always try to be helpful, understanding and patient in your dealings with buyers.

- Always offer to every buyer of your service to be free to request any changes he wants, and that you will do so for free. This will make the buyer deal with you more comfortably and reassuringly, as his work will be done the way he wants it and without any additional costs.

- Be quick in the responses to the messages you receive, and answer all questions that are asked of you.

- Subscribe to forums that are related to the nature of your service, try to participate in as many topics as possible, and make your signature is the link for your gig on Fiverr.

this is the end of this article please tell me your opinion in the comment section and if you like the article share it with friends.

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