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Digital Marketing trends You need to know to succeed in 2020

Digital Marketing trends You need to know to succeed in 2020


Digital Marketing trends You need to know to succeed in 2020

A professional marketer is someone who knows how to take advantage of all the opportunities and possibilities available, and to reach this level you must know the trends of digital marketing in 2020 .

Whatever your field, whatever your specialty, and whatever your responsibilities:

Director of a marketing department in a company.
Commission marketer or search engine marketing specialist.
Entrepreneur and you want to start a business or improve an existing one.
Marketer specialized in the field of social media.

You should know well how the market will move in the coming period, what are the digital marketing trends that the world is currently heading towards in order to exploit it to your advantage.

Did you know that:

- The amount of spending on digital marketing will reach 50% of the total budget allocated to marketing in 2021, according to the Cisco company.

- More than 60% of Instagram users rely on them to discover new products.

- Cisco company expected that, by 2021, almost 82% of online traffic will be video dependent.
 - About 49% of customers rely on influencers' nominations to choose the new products and services they are looking for.

And other information you should know about digital marketing trends in 2020, this is in contrast to some questions that you may think of.

- How to use a technique Augmented Reality In marketing?
- How to benefit from ChatBot In the marketing process?
- Are there new ways to purchase with Social Media that help all e-commerce owners to sell more products?

And other questions that may arouse your curiosity regarding new digital marketing trends, which you will learn about the most important in the next few minutes.

All this is presented to you in a quick and concise style with many practical examples until the image becomes clear to you.

So let's start together with digital marketing trends:

1-  Increasing reliance on marketing via ChatBot


Surely, you know what is Chatbots, How it is important at the moment, and how most sites rely on them currently in communication with visitors to the site and answer all their questions

This communication is extremely important:
- Answer customer questions at any time.
- Provide answers to frequently asked questions.
- The savings in the cost of appointing a person to answer various customer questions.
- Using robots in marketing and also in providing customer service.

In 2020 this marketing channel will be relied more on, as there are many companies that provide greater capabilities for marketers to use these robots without the need for programming knowledge.

Developing robots will provide new marketing opportunities:
- The possibility of working one large and specialized Funnel more easily.
- Increased capabilities to integrate robots with different marketing tools (messaging programs, email marketing)
- Increased dependence on (NLP- Natural Language Processing) to provide a better user experience.
- Improve the targeting capabilities of any client communicating with the bot.

That is why you have to rely more on using these capabilities in order to achieve better results in 2020.

- Using private messaging programs in marketing

Private messaging programs such as:
Text messages

And other means of private communication have become a very large presence in the world of marketing, and this presence will increase at a very remarkable rate while providing greater capabilities for marketers such as:

Increased Automation possibilities Corresponding to a large number of people via these applications.
The ability to make templates for sent messages and add personalization to them.
Use these programs as an alternative to e-mail.
The possibility of transferring funds or direct payment through these programs.
The ability to track people on these programs and target them with ads.

All this means more ease to pay, and thus more opportunities for selling and marketing, this is not the use of these applications to provide customer support and facilitate the process of communicating with more customers.

3-  The accuracy of advertising targeting and the development of artificial intelligence systems

Have you followed the new updates in the advertising systems that Google recently launched, some of these updates about:

System adjustment Bidding In ads and make it more dependent on artificial intelligence to determine the right budget for each ad.
Modify the Script system for Developers so they can complete their ad campaigns.
Update the data collection system in Google Ads So you get all the information in one window.
Update Shopping Cart system in ads on e-commerce search engines to run more efficiently 

And also some other networks' modifications to their advertising systems such as Pinterest and LinkedIn, and other ad networks.
All of these changes are going to rely on artificial intelligence and increase the accuracy of data collection and targeting operations for marketers to achieve better results.

It is also expected that the rate of updates will increase significantly in 2020, and this means that you have to constantly follow the news and develop your performance in using the various advertising platforms.

Especially since the price of a click and the cost of getting a new customer are increasing, and this means that you are required to constantly amend and improve your advertising campaigns.

4- Direct Shopping Via social media

If you are a good follower of social media marketing statisticsyou will know that:  
More than 60% of Instagram users rely on them to discover new products.
About 70% of users of Pinterest depend on her for shopping.
More than 60% of Facebook users continuously communicate with corporate and branding pages.

It is because of this information Instagram and Pinterest launched The possibility of using Shoppable Posts For pages, so brands can easily promote their products.

When the user sees any commercial publication and clicks on it, he will see all the products in the post - for example, if there is a picture of a woman wearing a certain shoe, the name and price of the shoe will appear as well.

And if you click on the shoe, you will go directly to the product page so that you can buy it, that is not all, but there are some other developments.

Instagram has tried direct purchase on the Instagram platform, so that the user does not have to leave the platform and register his data (name - address - payment information) in order to make the purchase.

All this data will be recorded directly on Instagram - or any other website - to facilitate the purchase process and raise the percentage of transfers to bonds, brands and electronic stores.

This is one of the strongest trends in digital marketing in 2020, which you should pay attention to and exploit in your favor.

Note: There are many changes in the social media world, and for this you should follow the different marketing statistics.
At this time, read the social media marketing guides we previously published, through the following links:

5- Personalization

Personalization has become a marketing necessity in any platform, as it is not only a matter of using the customer's name to communicate with him on all platforms.

Instead, it will evolve into using all the information you collect about the customer while communicating with him, thanks to the new capabilities of tracking and collecting information.

For example, if the customer loves to eat, you will use pictures of different foods while you are writing to him through the communication sites or via e-mail, even if you are promoting products that have nothing to do with eating.

All this in order to provide information and offers to the customer through the template he loves, and thus increase the percentage of conversions ... This is the most important goal for any marketer.

That's why closely monitor all the new capabilities of the digital marketing tools that you depend on, and follow all the new tools on the market so that competitors do not beat you.  

6- Use Cloud Services

there are many Cloud Services Which marketers rely on in their work such as:
Hosting services.
Advanced social media management services . 
Statistics and information gathering services.
Communication services with different clients.
Various digital content industry services . 

The new trend in digital marketing is currently gathering all these services in one integrated platform, in order to save time and effort on marketers.

So, many leading companies in the world of marketing are currently providing these services in 2020, which will make a huge impact in the world of digital marketing . 

7- Developing search engines at a great rate

One of these updates was the launch of a New BERT algorithm  which will depend on NLP technology - that we explained previously - in understanding the content and modifying the search results.
These updates will affect all types of search results, especially the Featured Snippet and People also ask, Which are the most important and most popular types of search results for traffic.

Therefore, if you are an SEO expert or rely on this marketing channel, you should focus on traffic data for the sites you manage.

You then test yourself to understand the impact of these changes, and how you can use them to your advantage get more traffic and improve your ranking in search results.

8- Dependence on Augmented Reality

Technologies virtual Reality and Augmented Reality It has become easy to use commercially for the past years.

Unlike new products such as Google and Apple glasses, and the huge development in the world of games that rely on these technologies, developers are currently making many applications that directly benefit marketers.

For example, there is a company application Ikea - The most famous company in the world in the manufacture of furniture and decor easy to install - which enables customers to choose any piece of furniture.

Then put it in the room through augmented reality so that they can see with their own eyes how it will be suitable for the rest of the room’s contents, until they choose the appropriate colors and sizes from the various available models.

This is just one of the practical examples of using these modern technologies to promote, as there are a lot of services and applications that are currently being developed and will be launched in 2020.

So keep track of new changes constantly and take advantage of any opportunity you find to use these applications, which developers are working to make easy to use for many marketers.

9- Influencer Marketing is moving to an advanced stage

In one of the statistics published by Digital Marketing Institute It said that:
Almost 70% of young people prefer social media influencers than celebrities and stars.
About 86% of women first seek advice from influencers in different groups on social media before deciding to purchase a new product.
About 49% of customers rely on influencers' nominations to choose the new products and services they are looking for.

All these statistics indicate the importance of relying on marketing through influencersand all expectations indicate that customers will increasingly rely on these influencers in the future

For this you have to build good relationships with influencers in your field, and try to rely on them in the process of promoting your services and products in all possible forms.

10 - Honest Marketing

Honest Marketing appeared more than a year ago, and there are many marketers currently adopting this method.

Giants and some marketers rely on the use of deceptive marketing techniques in many cases, such as:
Scare the customer from losing special offers (FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out)
Manipulate product pricing to influence the customer.
Collect all possible data on the client without his permission and use it in the targeting process.

and other marketing techniques that many people reject, especially those who are interested in maintaining privacy online and preventing large companies from exploiting the information they possess on the customer.

There is news about new updates to laws (especially by the European Union) on obtaining customer information, and also by reviewing online purchases.

This trend is expected by some experts to increase strongly in 2020 and all companies and marketers have to deal more transparently with clients.

All these trends in the world of digital marketing will determine the success of any marketer in his work, and therefore will determine the success of companies and brands in reaching their goals in terms of profits and control of the market.

For this, you must constantly follow these changes yourself to make sure that you are going with it and not against it.

For this, I advise you to follow our website constantly, because you will find a lot of information on how to use the new digital marketing trends in all possible ways and leave us your opinion in the comment section about our content.


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