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Why you should start affiliate marketing in 2020?

Why you should start affiliate marketing in 2020?

Why you should start affiliate marketing in 2020?

Want to know why you should start affiliate marketing in 2020? Do you want to know the reasons why this field is so popular to make money online, and how it is best for beginners?

Affiliate marketing is a very large area and is suitable for anyone who wants to profit from the Internet either:
  •  A student at the university who wants to improve his income from the Internet.
  •  Housewives are looking for a profitable way to use their time.
  •  A content maker (blogger - owner of a YouTube channel) who wants another source of profit than ads.

Whatever your interests, and whatever your level of experience, you will have a place in the world of affiliate marketing if you make the required effort, which is less than what is required in other ways to make money online

In this article, I will tell you by numbers why you should start affiliate marketing in 2020, and I'll put in front of you a lot of information that you need to get started.

Note: If there is some information that you might not know about affiliate marketing, how it works and how you can get started with it, do not worry, you will find everything you need in the article.

We have covered the topic of affiliate marketing from more than one angle, so I advise you to read the entire topic until the end so, the picture becomes clear to you.

9 reasons to start affiliate marketing in 2020


Affiliate marketing is the ideal way to start earning from the Internet for many as I mentioned, and this is for many reasons that I will present to you now.

1 - Affiliate marketing is a booming industry

Affiliate marketing is an old industry, and although it is in constant development and prosperity, see the following statistics:

  •  Affiliate Marketing industry Estimated By more than $13 billion by the end of 2019, according to the Awin company. 
  •  This number is the amount of money that companies spend in affiliate marketing, and it has nothing to do with the number of sales that is achieved through it, and this indicates the size of this massive industry.  
  •  At least 15% of the total spending on marketing and advertising is directed to affiliate marketing, and this percentage is increasing, according to the Cisco company.  
  •  81% of Brands Depend on affiliate marketing to promote its products.  
  •  84% of content makers (bloggers - influencers on social media - owners of YouTube channels) globally rely on affiliate marketing to make profits.   
  •  23% of sales volume that occurs online occurs through affiliate marketing. 
All these statistics demonstrate the power of affiliate marketing and the reliance of most companies on it, and for this reason, many content makers in the world rely on affiliate marketing to make a profit, in addition to marketers specialized in affiliate.

These stats are only for the past year, and these numbers are expected to increase more and more in 2020 and beyond, so you should not miss this opportunity.

2 - Affiliate marketing is an open market


Affiliate marketing is a very large market, as there are many opportunities, products, and services that you can promote in almost any field:

  •  health and beauty.
  •  Fitness.
  •  Cooking tools and accessories.
  •  Food of all kinds.
  •  Medicine.
  •  All technological tools (telephones – computers).
  •  Clothes of all kinds.
  •  Various services on the Internet (programs – software - applications - tools – courses)
  •  And much more

whatever your interests and personal preferences You can count on affiliate marketing to make very good profits from the internet by promoting products and offers that you have experience with and love.

3 - The cost to start

Most marketing methods require capital (budget) to start, for example, you need to buy or manufacture products to sell online, besides the shipping and maintenance fees - if any.

unlike affiliate marketing, because you can start at a cost of $ 0 ... yes, $ 0, you do not need a budget as in e-commerce, or you need to build a website and create content in order to start making profits.   

Rather, you can start with your sites and groups on social media or through your YouTube channel, all of this completely free of charge ... the only thing required of you is to make an effort to create content that makes your followers listen to you and then buy the products that you recommend to them.

4- You are not the owner of the products and services

The advantage of affiliate marketing is that you don't perform many tasks, such as:

  •  Manufacturing the product or providing the service.
  •  Monitor product performance.
  •  Provide customer service.

All this is done by the owner of the product himself, it is true that he often earns more than you, but you make a lot less effort than he does, and you can promote dozens of products at the same time.

This is what a lot of professional marketers do, the more products you promote, the greater your chances of earning from affiliate marketing.

5- Multiple methods of promoting offers

Affiliate marketing depends on the principle of providing benefit, and this benefit you can provide to people in more than one way:

  •  Create written content such as articles and reviews.
  •  Create videos.
  •  Offer free or even paid courses.
  •  Use ads to promote offers.
  •  Promotion in forums and groups.

And other methods of promotion and thus you can profit by relying on more than one source, unlike some other methods of profit from the Internet that compel you to specific methods of profit.  

Of course, you will not initially depend on all the methods that I mentioned to you in the promotion, it is better to choose one of these methods in the promotion and then start with.

Over time, you will gain good experience, and some profits will also help you to use other traffic sources.

For a detailed explanation of affiliate marketing and knowledge of the best products and companies, as well as the methods and tricks that you should use in marketing, I advise you to read these three articles that explain all this and more:

You will also find this book more than wonderful in explaining affiliate marketing from zero to expert. You can download it for free through this link.

If You are a fan of online videos and courses, this is a free course from udemy that also explains affiliate marketing from A to Z:

There are other paid courses to people who have achieved millions through affiliate marketing, communicate with them and learn the best methods and strategies that helped them achieve these profits in a short time. I am doing this now and they have already added a lot of experiences to me and I got to know new and effective marketing techniques that helped me to make good money, and now it's your turn

and if you tend to use social media to promote and communicate with the public, I advise you to read the following guides:

6 - Speed ​​of results

If you think about earning from AdSense, for example - which is a good way to profit from the Internet - you will find that you need some time to achieve acceptable profits, especially if you do not have a budget to start. 

This is in contrast to affiliate marketing, from which you can make a profit in the same week, depending on your appreciation and effort.

And the speed with which you earn profits motivates you to continue promoting, creating content and communicating with the public.

7 - Greater freedom

Affiliate marketing gives you some freedom, both the freedom to work yourself and not being bound to a place to work from - as is the case with most ways to profit from the Internet.

Or the freedom to choose, for example, you may discover that you are promoting an inappropriate product or service, or discover that there is a better product, you can change immediately without consulting anyone.

You can change the method you use to promote as well at any time. Instead of promoting through Facebook groups, you can promote through a website through the visits you get from search engines.

You can also change the same field in which you work, you may find that the field of fitness is not the best for you, enter the field of food or clothing.

You can also work in more than one field at the same time, perhaps you are passionate about electronics (phones - computers - accessories) and at the same time interested in sports.

No problem at all and this flexibility is the most important feature of affiliate marketing compared to other methods, in which you may be exposed to losses if you change your field.

8- Affiliate marketing is a source of passive income

Passive Income is the income that you consistently earn even though you only made a one-time effort.

Suppose, for example, that you promote some affiliate shows through a YouTube video, and in order to create this video:
  •  You are tired of thinking and looking for a topic you are talking about.
  •  Then I recorded the video itself.
  •  After that, I modified the video and made the effects that it needed.
  •  Then I posted it on YouTube and put in your description your affiliate link.

This video - if it's good it will continuously earn you profit from your affiliate link as long as it is on YouTube.

You only made one effort, yet you are continuously making profits without making any extra effort.

And this is not all about passive income, as there are many affiliate marketing programs that pay you a monthly affiliate for any sales you achieve.

For example, there are some affiliate offers for electronic programs in which the customer pays a monthly subscription, and the company will give you an affiliate from the value of this subscription as long as this customer remains subscribed to it.

Note: Do not misunderstand my words and believe that profit from affiliate marketing will happen with the press of a button. Despite the ease of profit, you need to make a great effort in making good content, persuading the public to buy from your affiliate links and increase the conversion rate.

9- Good relationship with companies

Companies that own products and services do their best to help affiliates, as they provide them with advertising materials that they can use:

  •  photo 
  •  Banner ads
  •  Videos
  •  Landing pages
  •  Ready emails 

This is in addition to information about the product or service itself, and you can contact the company at any time to help you or answer any questions you have.

The company does all this because it is looking for its interest, and its interest in you, the marketer, making the affiliate to bring new customers to it, and thus you are winning and the company is also winning.

Affiliate marketing is a wonderful and profitable field, and there is a lot of new information and strategies that you need to know about, so make sure to follow us constantly so that you do not miss anything new about affiliate marketing and do not forget to leave your opinion in the comment section and if you like the article, share it with your friends 

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