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Work at Home (part 1)

Work at Home (part 1)

Work at Home (part 1)

Working from home has become a trend adopted by many people around the world due to the great flexibility that is characterized by it, and some choose it because of the freedom it provides the owner to work in addition to working in a full-time job.

Others choose it to provide additional income by working in an area where they have some experience or knowledge, and where they can use their free time to do useful work.

The areas and ways of working from home are increasing day by day, in this article we review the most important of these areas with a simplified explanation of each area and how to work it, but before we start we take two very important points: the benefits of working from home, and tips to follow before starting work from home.
Benefits of working from home
1- You are the head of yourself, and therefore your profits from your work are all yours, as well as your success, and your development of yourself. These features are usually not found in traditional work.

2- Full control of your time, some people who choose to work from home three hours a day, others eight hours, some less or more... Each person determines the time available for work based on what suits him, his or her family, and other activities that he or she does daily.
3- You don't need a certificate to learn most of your work from home, and this is known even to people who request your services because here your years of study or certificate are not a barrier, it is how well you are proficient in your field and the quality of service you provide.

4. Work from home is not required to learn new skills, but you may be able to exploit the skills you already have and turn them into a source of income.

For example, some learn to deal with image design programs (such as Photoshop) for the purpose of entertaining me at the beginning to improve their old images or add fun touches to them, and over time this skill develops and can be exploited in the design of images for customers for money... In this way, the hobby has become a source of income, a way to work from home.

General tips to follow before starting work from home
1. Do not leave your basic work until you have chosen one of the areas of work at home and master it, and work with it for not less than a year with a return equal to your salary from your basic work or more.
2. Do not try to focus in more than one area, especially if you intend to learn one of these areas from scratch, but choose a field that suits you, and you see that you can master it, work it for a long time, start learning it and specialize in it.
3. Do not hinder yourself under certain circumstances such as the availability of a special computer, special specifications, or even the presence of a dedicated office for you, but try to exploit the available, and in the future, you can upgrade, and change what you want in your work environment the important thing is to start.
4. Don't think about profit, and start to appreciate and expect it at the beginning of your business, because this may frustrate you, and distract a focus from mastering the field you are trying to work in.
5. Follow the experts and specialists in your field to see their experiences and advice, and start applying them, and then create your strategy in the work, as the expert advice and professionals are based on practical experiences.

15 different areas of work and making a profit from home
Now I will start reviewing a wide range of ways to work from home, in each way I will explain it, then, when necessary, I will take up a range of specialized sites where you can find a job opportunity, and then I will review a range of important points and tips that will help you succeed.

It is worth mentioning that although there are specialized sites in some areas below, self-employment sites are an excellent source of employment in most areas of work from home.

At the end of the article, I will link you to another article in which you will be able to access the most important and best self-employment sites.

Let's start showing the areas of work from home:
1. Transcription
Most of us listen to audio material most of the time between songs, podcasts, and audiobooks, so why not take advantage of this, and work from home in the field of Transcription, this area through which you hear recorded material, and turn it into written texts.

There are specialized sites in this field that you can register and start working with, here are the sites of self-employment... The job market in this area is great, and reaching customers is easy.

You can achieve it without effort or cost, as you can reach your customers through a Facebook post on your profile... It makes it clear that you are providing this service and is ready to receive requests from people who wish to convert their audio material into readable text.

Some of the most important sites where you can work in this field:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- Although this field does not require investment in large tools and equipment or professionalism, the presence of high-quality headphones is very useful in this field... Especially if the audio material you convert to read the text in a foreign language or the quality of the recording is medium.

2- Accuracy and coordination are two important elements in your success in this field because the main goal of converting the text from audible to readable is for the client to be able to see clear structured content that can be easily read without linguistic or spelling errors in an orderly and clear manner.

3- You can easily train yourself in this field by converting audio materials such as audiobooks into text, this benefits you in the tests of specialized sites that sometimes require passing several tests and training courses in order to be accepted into them.

2. Visual Blogging (Vlogging)
You may have heard about this area before, but not by that name, because Vlogging is the most professional name for the video industry (such as creating a YouTube channel about an idea), and profit is through several forms such as marketing, product review, corporate or site, or advertising. Whether via Google or Facebook.

If you are interested in this field, I would strongly advise you to read the articles below:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- Continuity is one of the ingredients for success in this field, so make sure to continue to add videos to your channel constantly.

2- Meaningful and useful content although it may sometimes be less profitable than entertainment content, scalability and continuity are easier, and it also draws the attention of websites and companies if your channel domain is suitable for promoting services and products.

3. The name of your YouTube channel or Facebook page should indicate your domain in one way or another.

4- Avoid using loose titles to attract attention, especially if they have nothing to do with the content you provide... This will negatively affect the reputation of your channel or page.

5- Do not take all negative or positive comments on your content seriously, and select comments that you consider to be objective, and will help you develop your content.

3- Search engine evaluation
Working from home in the field of search engine evaluation is a fun, and very easy area, because of its attachment to how search engines work, which is fun, and useful for anyone who deals on the Internet.

Through this field, you evaluate the search engine's results to see how they fit into what the person using the search engine is looking for.

You are given a search topic and the results for that topic extracted from a particular search engine, such as Google and Bing, will then determine whether the results are appropriate for the search term.

Your assessment is based on several factors, and you evaluate the result in general based on your findings.

Search engines use special algorithms to help people find what they're looking for, but search results always need humans to test the efficiency of these algorithms to make sure they work properly and provide results related to the searches that have been done through them.

This company is the best company that offers the opportunity to work from home in the field of search engine evaluation:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- Most companies in this field do not require previous experience in the field to be able to work with them, and some of them provide intensive training to help you to qualify to work in this field.

2- If you fail to complete training or success, don't worry, you can try again later, but the number of attempts is limited so try not to need to retrain more than once or two at most.

3- English proficiency and some simple technical knowledge, which will be very useful to you at work from home in the field of search engine evaluation.

4- Correcting language errors
This area is suitable for language college graduates who are looking for an opportunity to work in their field of study, and to add unique experiences in their cv.

Through this field, it corrects linguistic errors in texts, ranging from essays to books to research. For example, you can work as a language corrector on a site or blog that publishes large content every day, and you need to review it linguistically.

Or you can work in this field by registering on one of the self-employment platforms, which provide the opportunity to work from home in the field of language error correction and provide this service to its customers.

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- English is one of the most common languages in this field, so competition on it is large and difficult, so we recommend you look for a less competitive language to be able to compete with it and find opportunities available easily.
2- Improving your language abilities in this field is necessary, and helps you increase your pay, and create better opportunities.

3- Specialization in a particular field in one of the languages is highly desirable, for example, some people ask for a correction of language for certain areas of a particular language, and usually this specialization is high lysing about linguistic correction in general, for example, the linguistic correction of legal documents written in German is high for Language correction of The German language in general.
5. Data entry
Data entry is an easy area, and it doesn't require much study or experience to get started, all you need is to add numbers and data in special tables or through Google Sheets or Excel.

For the revenue calculation, it is either by the hour or by the number of data to be added, and sometimes a special system can be agreed upon... This is in case you are dealing with people who request this service outside of known sites.

For sites, you'll find a data entry section for most self-employment sites and small tasks.

Tips and feedback on this area:

1. Google Sheets or Excel are key requirements for this field, but you don't need to have professional knowledge of these tools... You just need to know the basic rules of writing, cell coordination, and this can be easily learned,

2- Speed is one of the main factors upon which your remuneration is determined, you can always increase your speed in writing, entering data through training, and practice.

3- Accuracy is also an important requirement for success in this field, speed sometimes results in errors which affect your income from this area, so the speed must be accompanied by accuracy as well.

6. Blogging
Blogging has become one of the most widespread areas on the Internet as a form of work from home, and now we see many successful blogs and websites in various fields, which make good profits monthly either through profit by adding Adsense ads, or by reviewing certain products, and profit From the commission marketing system.

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- Creating a blog that requires no more skills than writing, and some technical skills, which you will easily acquire over time.

2- Successful blog is the one that tops the results of search engines such as Google and Bing, and this is called SEO, which is an important factor for the success of your blog, and making profits from it.

3- New, exclusive content is what will prompt visitors to visit your blog constantly, so make sure you have your unique content.
7- Medical programming
The medical programmer's work is to review the medical records of the services provided to the patient, and then translate them into the appropriate code for easy addition to the patient's invoice.

The opportunities for income from this area are constantly increasing among medical centers requiring medical programmers to work from home, and the increasing demand for this specialty on self-employed sites such as Upwork.

Some of the most important sites where you can work in this field:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1. This field may require some knowledge or training in the medical field, but this is not difficult as there are many providers of these training online.

2- This area needs to be familiar with English in general, and the medical terminology used in this language in particular.

3. Although the job title contains the word coder, this area does not require knowledge of any programming language to work with, as is clear in its definition at the beginning of this paragraph... This area only needs a high level of focus, good ability to observe, and register.

4- Sometimes people working in this field are called Medical Biller, so if you are looking for an opportunity to work from home in this area make sure that you are looking to use Medical Biller and Medical Coder to be able to find all the opportunities in this area.

That's enough in this article and I'm going to do a second part for work from home where I'm going to complete the rest of the jobs.
Here you can find the second part for this article