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Work at home (part 2)

Work from home (Part 2)

Work at home (part 2)

We talked in the previous article, which you will find its link here
 about the importance and benefits of working from home and we also talked about some of the jobs and sites of each job and the most important points to consider before applying for any job from them and here in this article we will complete what we started about working from home and there is a bonus at the end of this article to help you more and more.
8. Travel agency
Working from home as a travel agent is a new idea, as tourism agencies allow many of their employees to work from home, in the past you should have visited the travel agent's offices, browsing the deals offered if you want to book a trip or vacation.

Now the process has become easier thanks to the Internet, technological development, and phone applications... Customers can use the Internet to search for prices and package offers themselves, and contact the agency to book a flight or do the whole thing online.

Therefore, you can work from home as a travel agent, whether through one of these agencies or on your own through your website or your self-employment page.

Note that the method of accounting with agencies is agreed in advance, often by commission system in proportion to what the customer pays for the trip while accounting for self-employment sites varies by the hour.

Finally, if you are working in this field through your website or social media page, you can determine the right amount of profit for you based on your costs, effort and time.

Some of the most popular companies working in this field:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1. You need to have accurate access to all information available on the Internet about the countries that offer travel offers.

2- Don't look at the information you will need to do your part as a travel agent, but you should focus on ways to provide good service to your customers and gain their satisfaction such as after-sales services and flight assessments.

3- You can view many courses in this field on Alison's popular website.

4. Be prepared to provide additional services in return for a small increase in your earnings: such as trip planning services, vacations.

9. Translation
The translation is one of the areas where global demand is increasing due to global openness.

At first, the translation field focused heavily on English, as it represented a large part of the scientific and recreational material we encounter in our normal lives, but this has changed recently, especially on the Internet.

We see sites with more than one interface, each based on a different language, and there is also a demand for translation of scientific, literary, such as films and novels.

In general, the translation field is one of the areas that do not require a regular presence at the workplace, so it has been one of the first areas of work from home, which has continued from its inception until now and is expected to continue for a long time.

From this point of view, translation companies have begun to prefer to deal remotely with their employees and customers, and this has led to the existence of sites that require specialized translators, sometimes non-specialists, and train them to reach the required competence.

You can start working from home in the translation field through one of these sites:

Of course, most self-employed sites have a translation section, and you'll find lots and opportunities on it.

Tips and feedback on this area:

1. Translators to and from English are relatively large, so finding an opportunity to work with this language may be challenging but not impossible as long as you are proficient in this language.

2- Research before entering this field helps you to know which languages are in demand, or which ones provide a high income, especially if you intend to master a new language, this will save you the trouble of mastering a language and then discover that competition is difficult or that the material return is relatively weak.

3. Specialization in the translation of a specific field of language is highly required, such as the translation of medical or legal documents, and many new translators or those who are learning a new language turn to it, as this helps them to focus their studies on this discipline, which saves a great deal of time and effort.

10. Accounting and remote bookkeeping
Accounting and remote bookkeeping are intended to be responsible for the registration of the financial operations of an enterprise.

Although we are used to this job requiring an accountant to be present at the company or establishment headquarters, this has changed thanks to the technological development that has led to the transformation of paper finance documents into a digital format, which allows users to access this data at any time, and via any computer For me or a smartphone.

This area is fairly new, so most sites that offer the opportunity to work from home are foreign which requires special conditions.

But global self-employment sites such as Freelancer, Upwork, or mini-service sites such as Fiver do not require more than a general accounting principle and the proficiency of an accounting program.

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- This area is very suitable for university graduates who have specialized in financial accounting since accounting rules are considered one global, so qualifying to participate in this field is relatively easy for them... He just needs to know English and medium technical knowledge.

2- Many Arab and international startups use software and accounting applications such as wave apps because this is the global trend of accounting... Studying these applications and learning how to deal with them is one of the key factors in working in this area.

3. To ensure excellence in accounting and remote bookkeeping, you must be familiar with the tax laws of the client's country, and any differences or modifications to the accounting rules of that country.

11. Logo design and selling
Do you have a simple knowledge of logo design tools? Well, you can use this knowledge to design logos and sell them online... This is a highly required area of work from home.

Also, this area can be local to customers near you: like your friends or acquaintances who need to design a logo for their business or stores.

Also sell your designs online on several sites, or even on a special social media page such as Facebook.

The most important sites where you can sell the logos you have designed:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- If you do not have logo design skills you can easily learn through YouTube, or through online self-education sites such as Udemy and Coursera, where you will find several free training courses offered by professionals in this field using various tools, in the simplest ways.

2- If you Did not find a free course in self-education sites? It's ok you can search for training courses on YouTube, also there are social media pages like Facebook that provide free lessons and simplified lectures in this field.

3- Keeping you informed about the logos of international products, the story of their development, and how they were thought of enhances your creativity and helps you create distinctive, innovative designs.

12- Designing and selling images
This is the most advanced level of logo design. If you have a great knowledge of photo editing software and can design photos to your liking, or edit them in high resolution, there are several sites where you can sell your photos.

This area is not limited to the internet only, but there is a demand from people on social networking sites, and sometimes small or medium companies who need to edit their photos, and do not want to hire someone full-time.

As for the sites where you can sell your photos, we can't fully limit them... Since they are already large, we can mention the best locations in this field:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- Do not limit yourself to dealing with one site or tool, but try more than one site and more than one tool. Then decide which one is right for you.

2- This is an area that needs excellence and innovation, so old or refined works will not be sold or profitable.

3- Always use the latest version of the applications you use, to avoid any errors or problems you may experience while working, and also enjoy the new features that are added to the applications with each version.

13- Selling products with your designs on it
This is almost the third area in this article of homework that is suitable for people with the skills to use editing software and editing images.

In my opinion, it is a natural development for anyone who started working from home in the two previous fields and wants to develop and expand, it is worth mentioning that this field needs several other skills in addition to photo editing skills.

Through this field you sell products such as t-shirts and mugs with logos and pictures of your design through sites that are registered, and are responsible for selling the product, printing it and shipping it to the customer in exchange for a percentage of profits divided between you and the site, and be predetermined in the terms of the site.

All you have to do is design the logo or image, upload it to your account on the site and then add it to the products you want, and then the site displays these products to its visitors.

Why does this field need skills other than designing, editing, and photo editing?

Well, the answer is simple... Designing a logo or image and adding it to a product is easy but knowing which products are popular, which have demanded is the main factor in selling and continuing, and this requires a lot of research and access to popular trends.

Here are some of the most important sites where you can sell products on your designs:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- Although the entire sale process is the responsibility of the site you have registered for, it is up to you to market your products, which may be difficult at first, but with some effort, you can easily do.

2- Access to the events and holidays of your website audience is essential because accordingly, you will create designs that suit these occasions, which increases the chance of selling these products.

3. Sites such as Merch by Amazon and Teespring display the best-selling products based on factors such as price, user feedback... These statistics and data can be guided by the design of your product.

14. Conducting and selling training courses on online education websites
Do you know how to deal with Photoshop? Or have the skill of repairing a particular electrical device? Or maybe you can explain marketing strategies in a particular area.

Excellent now you can take advantage of all these skills in the field of work from home, by creating a training course in which you explain what you know from these or other areas and then sell them.

Several statistics have recently shown an increase in the proportion of people who want to learn new areas and skills online, which leads you to turn your skills and experience in one of your areas of interest into a training course and sell them online. Not only that, but it also prompts you to learn new skills, master them and explain them in a simplified way.

If you do some research on the famous Udemy website, you will find a large number of courses in various fields and skills.

With some observation, you will find that not a few of the course holders are people who have studied some areas themselves, and then prepared these courses in terms of their understanding and practice in these areas.

Of course, there are training courses offered by university professors and specialists on these sites, but this does not prevent that there are wonderful training courses whose owners started in this field from scratch and then mastered it and professionalism, and then provided these courses for a sum of money and achieved success which pushed them to take this field as a permanent source of income M.

There are several platforms where you can offer your courses for a nominal price, the most famous of which are:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- Although professional content photography is of course required, clarity of sound and image, in general, is the most important factor, so with simple tools such as a smartphone, an external microphone that can record your course content without complications or huge costs.

2- Not only does it depend on your knowledge in this field, but also research, and see training courses for the same content that you intend to discuss in your course... This will give you a chance to improve and develop your content and the way it is presented.

3- Organize the content of your session and divide it for goals and modules, so that it is coordinated and easy to accommodate your target audience, which if you like the content of your session will nominate it to your friends and acquaintances, and will also follow you, and participate in your next training courses.

4- Do not overprice your training course, especially if it is the first for you, but try to be proportional to the price of the course commensurate with its cost and effort with a small profit margin at the beginning, and after building a fan base and followers you can increase the price after measuring the supply and demand of your training courses.

15. Questionnaires
Although the field of work from home by filling out questionnaires is a relatively new area in the Arab world, it is one of the areas that provide income without much experience or learning like the rest of the work from home.

All that is required of you is to register on some sites, add the data that the site requests to add to your account, and the site will send a message to your email when a suitable questionnaire is available to you.

After filling out the questionnaire, and correctly answering the questions in it you are rewarded, either by a specified amount to be determined before you start filling out the questionnaire, or for a certain number of points that you can then convert to a sum of money or other gifts: such as a discount coupon on a purchase site.

But remember that you are paid on arrival for the minimum transfer of your profits.

At the beginning of the presence of this field in the Arab world, the number of sites requesting participants from Arab countries was very low, and the rate of sending questionnaires to the participants was very low... It is almost one questionnaire per month, and the minimum withdrawal of profits was high.

Now that the number of these sites has increased, the number of questionnaires sent to participants has increased, and there are different forms of payment methods, and an appropriate minimum withdrawal of profits sometimes up to $5, which can be achieved by filling out a few questionnaires.

Some of the most famous of these sites, which allow Arabs and Egyptians to participate in them and send questionnaires periodically:

Tips and feedback on this area:

1- Creating more than one account on the same site puts you at risk of being blocked, lost any profits or points achieved, and the ban will not only be for your email but will be a ban on the devices you used... This means that any opportunity to create other accounts is lost even if the structure is properly handled.

2- Make sure you fill out the questionnaires with your correct opinions and data without mentioning any specific details or accurate financial information. This adds credibility to your answer, making you eligible for more questionnaires.

3- See the means of payment and receipt of profits before registering at each site, as some means may not be suitable for you or are not available in your country.


Besides the possibility of working from home in all these areas on specialized sites in each area, most of these areas are also required on self-employment sites such as Freelancer and Upwork, and mini-service sites such as Fiverr.

It is worth mentioning that there are many areas where you can work within the framework of your acquaintances and friends such as areas of image design and logos.

In general, the labor market in these areas has very abundant and varied opportunities, i.e. finding customers or people interested in the services you provide is something you don't need to worry about.

If you are afraid to learn a new skill, you can invest your skills already, or go to work in one of the areas that do not require learning a great skill or experience such as data entry or filling out questionnaires.
And as a reward, Here this book (Working-at-home-secrets), which explains all these jobs and much much more, it will go with you step by step to start working from home without any experience, Tech skills or audience, it's helped me a lot to start working as an entrepreneur and I hope it helps you, too.