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The best e-marketing tools for all specializations

The best e-marketing tools for all specializations

The best e-marketing tools for all disciplines

Tools, in general, are very important in our daily life, as we rely on them to perform most daily tasks. The tools make performing tasks easier and saving a lot of time and effort.
in E-marketing World, tools occupy very special importance and position. Perhaps a person can stand for some time without using tools, but for those who rely on their work on the Internet like you and me, the tools here represent the essence of their work and almost nothing can be done without them.
on you as an online marketer To choose your e-marketing tools very carefully, who wants us to waste time, money or effort with tools that do not achieve the desired purpose?
I wrote this article to make it a source of the most important e-marketing tools in all its branches.
E-Marketing Tools: It is specialized services provided by some sites to marketers, some of which are paid and some are free. These services are very important in performing tasks accurately, quickly, and save time and effort, to help success and achieve goals.
E-marketing tools vary greatly, to suit every specialty and every need.
It should be noted here that the e-marketing tools are arranged in this article according to the marketing specializations. In all listings, you will also find free and paid tools together.

First, the most important online marketing tools for affiliate marketers


This tool enables you to create a wonderful landing page, with many features such as compatibility with all mobile devices and computers, the ease of modification without using code, the ability to test more than one version of the landing page, and many other features.


It is considered a tool volume It is the best and most popular tool for tracking campaigns in the world of commission marketing, especially for marketers who get huge visitor numbers.
An accurate and easy to use tool that will help you in Track your advertising campaigns In order to improve it to get the best results.


A tool to create a mailing list for those who use e-mail marketing. There is a free plan gives you configure a mailing list from 2000 of the mile, and the possibility of sending 12,000 of the mile.


This tool enables you to manage all social media accounts easily from one place, with a lot of capabilities that make marketing through social networking sites easier and faster.
It gives you the ability to manage 3 accounts completely free of charge.


A great tool that gives you the ability to learn about any topics that are popular on social media at a specific time. Let you know the most popular topics for any site you choose. The great thing is that it offers a lot of features completely free.


A great tool for those who work in the field of commission marketing, especially in marketing offers CPA. Through this site, you can view all the offers in affiliate companies. Also, you know the marketing commission for each bid in each company.
This tool will help you choose the best affiliate company for you.

Secondly, the most important e-marketing tools for website owners

Google Analytics

A wonderful tool provided by Google to website owners, through which you can identify accurate data for your site visitors. Then making decisions to better improve your site’s performance.
The tool is completely free, but it equals a lot for every website owner. It provides you with everything you need to know about your site.
It is worth noting that this is one service, one of many services provided by Google to website owners completely free of charge.


A completely free tool that enables you to build your site without requiring any skills in the code. Anyone with little effort can work with WordPress and make their own website easily and in record time.
This is on top of a lot of WordPress Plugins Wonderful, available in the WordPress store, which gives your site a lot of important features.


This free tool also enables you to shorten your site links, for short links and better looking. You can share it on social media, so it looks better in front of your followers.
This great tool also allows tracking and analysis of your site visitors (it will give you accurate data on who clicked on the short links)


a tool SEO Great, let you do an analysis of your site. It has many advantages, including obtaining a list of links that have been shared with your site or competitors' sites, knowing your site's pages that have been archived in Google, and many other features.
The great thing about this tool is that although it is a paid tool, there are many advantages that it provides for free.


One of the most important and most famous SEO tools to has a lot of various features like the one before it, but it is especially great in backlinks analysis.
Through it, you can learn about the reasons for the success of competitors and thus you can overcome them or at least imitate them.


Of course, every website owner needs good hosting to host his website, in fact, there are many good hosting companies.
As for siteground It is a special hosting especially for those who use the WordPress platform.


This tool enables you to measure the speed of your site and provides you with factors that you can improve to increase the speed of your site. Given the great importance that Google gives to the speed of downloading sites, which strongly affects the visitor's experience in dealing with sites, this tool is extremely important.
Of course, there are plenty of other important tools for 
everyone who works on or owns a website.

Third, the most important e-marketing tools for YouTube publishers


In short, this tool is the most important and best for every YouTube publisher, with regard to making and editing videos. A great and professional tool with a lot of features that will make you create videos that compete with the largest publishers.


This is an analysis tool for all the videos posted on social media, especially YouTube, of course. Through it, you can, for example, access to the best successful videos, and then make similar videos or talk about the same topics.


A great tool that enables you to record from the screen, while commenting with your voice. To make a great video explaining something to your channel followers or commenting on a specific event, for example. This tool also gives you some capabilities and features to make video editing after recording.

Tube Buddy for YouTube

This tool is an addition to Google Chrome that enables you, as a YouTube channel owner, to perform many tasks easily and quickly.
This tool enables you to manage your channel and add a lot of improvements to your videos free of charge.

Fourth, various other electronic marketing tools

Facebook audience insights

A visitor analysis tool for Facebook, which you can use from your Facebook advertising account or business account. This tool provides a lot of data and information about your site visitors or your landing pages.


This tool enables you to follow up on your trademark, through which you can identify any publication on the social media, the name of your trademark was mentioned. You can study competitors as well, and get to know the people who influence your site or your advertising campaigns.


Whoever works in e-marketing does not know hubspot? This great website provides a comprehensive marketing tool, that helps you create competitive content for your site and get visitors to it, and many other features that cover all 
aspects of marketing.


This tool enables you to manage all the social media accounts of your website from one place. They have a free plan that gives you many advantages with the ability to manage only three accounts.

Points you should pay attention to regarding e-marketing 


1- Tools are a great and very effective way to help you succeed, but your success as an online marketer will not necessarily be achieved by owning the required tools, but it is achieved as a result of your effort and your ability to use these tools to achieve your goals.
2- You have to ask yourself before purchasing or using any marketing tool, “Are the possible outcomes from its use worth the price paid or the time spent dealing with it?”
3- There are a lot of great e-marketing tools, but you just have to choose the tools you really need, depending on the nature, size and number of marketing projects that you work on, and also depends on the goals and marketing vision that differ from one marketer to another and between a period of time and another even for the same project.
4- Although there is an electronic marketing tool geared to specific disciplines, there are a lot of tools that fit more than one specialty.
For example, there are tools that are suitable for those working in a field Affiliate marketing, also suitable for website owners.

5- The market for e-marketing tools is so large that it is difficult to combine all tools into one topic. For example, you will find dozens of tools that perform the same task.


As I indicated before the tools are something very important but it alone is not enough for your success, so you have to choose the tools that suit your business and you should use them and benefit from them as well.