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What are the CPA offers? And what are its types?

What are the CPA offers? And what are its types?

What are the CPA offers? And what are its types?

In this article, we will explain to beginners in the CPA field What are the CPA offers?
Also, we will deal with the most important and famous types of CPA offers.

What are the CPA offers?
These are offers in which a visitor or user does something specific for the advertiser and the publisher charges a commission for that.

This action may be downloading a file ) from the advertiser or filling out a form on the advertiser's website).
CPA Offer types may vary to fill in the form by simply entering the name and email, such as) phone giveaway).
Or a long-form containing the date of birth, address, telephone number, such as (life insurance offers).

The advertiser may pay between 25 cents to 3.5 dollars for the offer that requires entering an email.
He might pay $ 140 on great offers and later on, we will discuss that in detail.

There are many, many other types of offers, such as mobile message offers, MasterCard data entry offers, and many more.

An Example of one type of CPA offer
This is an example of an offer for a Booking website that pays $ 14.25 for a single lead or completes the offer.
And the completion of the offer is for the user to book a tourist trip through the site and this offer is available in almost all countries of the world.

Do not worry or feel frustrated to imagine the difficulty of having someone book a tourist trip through you. This is just an example of offers.
In some other offers, your only role is to have the user enter his or her name and e-mail only.

But the commission, of course, will be less than a dollar and two dollars for these offers.
But the advantage of the presentation that I mentioned is that it is available in all countries of the world.

With some insistence, reflection and an appropriate source for visitors, you can succeed in marketing such an offer and win thousands of dollars through it.

Yes, you can.

When choosing a CPA offer Don't just focus on the ease with which you can perform the show
When you choose one of the CPA offers, do not think of any of the offers to pay more or think of any of the offers easier for the user to perform.

But just think and focus on what kind of offers can work better with your visiting source.
The bid that works best is the bid with the most conversion rate.
That is, the largest percentage of users who enter into the offer perform it and thus convert to profit for you as a publisher.

The most popular types of CPA offers
In this type of offer, you as a publisher must have the user download a specific file to their device in order to get the commission for the offer.

It is worth noting here that there are a lot of companies specialized only in this type of offer and called PPD companies or paid per download companies.

Email Submit
In this type of offers, all you have to do to get your commission:
Make the user enter his name and e-mail.

credit card submit
In this type of offer, you as a publisher must have the user enter their payment information to subscribe to a service or purchase an item.

But in most cases, the user will not pay anything.
Sometimes he pays small amounts that do not exceed $ 5.

These offers depend on giving products as free samples or participating in free services for a certain period.
If the user continues to use the service, the company will deduct the value of the service from the payment card in the next month.

short-form registration
You get a commission on this type of offer when a user fills out a small form of data through you.

pin Submit
In this type of offer, the user must send a message from his mobile phone in order for you to get a commission as a publisher.

These offers are called dating offers.
They are special offers for websites that provide dating services for people.

For example, those looking for girls of a certain age to get to know each other.
Or who are looking for practitioners of a certain sport to get acquainted, and play sports together?
Or who are looking for divorced women to get to know them?
Or who are looking for women or men in specific cities or places for dating?

In these offers, the user must subscribe, whether paid or free. On one of the sites that offer dating services.

It includes all kinds of offers related to insurance of all kinds.
And in it, the user must subscribe to one of the companies that provide insurance services in order for you to get your commission.

Only here you have presented a small group of types of offers CPA But there are more and more types of CPA offers.
And in every offer within the company, you will clearly find the action that the user must do in order to get your commission as a publisher.
The most important points to consider in choosing CPA offers
  • CPA Offers page which you are going to market it
  • When determining a specific offer to the market, I often look at the page that I will send visitors to.
I often try to find offers that contain a form that can be filled out easily.

- The demo page should be attractive to potential visitors to convert into commission.
Naturally, the page that contains a form with little data is expected to get more opportunity to convert visitors for a commission or Lead.

Examples include easy conversion, offers that require only writing e-mail or zip code.
And some companies can pay $ 1.5, just for each visitor entering his email or zip code.

And the display page, which is very clear and there is only one square that the visitor must type in the postal code with, the conversion percentage will be very good.

  • When you market offers that pay more than $ 3, you must crucially study the page for the offer.
  • You must also meet the criteria for a landing page or bid page success.

- Available data about the offer in the company itself

When you go to the CPA offer page Pay attention to these points well:

1- Ways to get visitors allowed and not allowed to market this offer.
This is a very important point and you should carefully follow the instructions on it.

You should know that by violating the instructions, you will give the advertiser a reason to refuse any commission they have made.
You can also consult your account manager about the best ways to market a specific offer.

2- The conversion rate of the offer is between one hundred clicks.
Of course, the higher the conversion rate for each offer, the better.

3- Offer expiration date and status now.
Every day there are so many CPA offers That are canceled or temporarily suspended.

Also, you should check your email every day to be able to see any notifications to add or cancel any offers from the company you work with.

CPA Offers data Provided by your account manager
One of the best sources for getting good offers is your account manager.
You can get ideas for offers through what you send from offers to your email or through your personal relationship with him.

Also, in many cases, the company itself provides in the home page a list of the most important and best successful offers based on the results achieved by other publishers.

Choose the right offer to shop at the right time
Often your success in choosing the best offer depends on the timing element.
As there are so many CPA offers that are called seasonal offers.
And it has a very good demand in certain periods.

Compare the performance of each CPA offer among a group of different companies
One of the most successful factors in marketing CPA offers is choosing the right company that pays well.
Often times you find one offer found in many companies.

These companies may differ among themselves on the same offer of commission or transfer rate.
Therefore, you should compare the offer you market in a company with other companies that have the same offer.

Here's how you can do this without being a member of companies that compare offers.

Tools enable you to compare the performance of a CPA offer Between a group of different companies
In this site, you will find almost 50 thousand different offers in hundreds of different companies. You will find a lot of classification for offers and a lot of companies and offer data.

Often times you can also see the demo page.
This site is an exceptional opportunity for all publishers in the CPA field

This is also one of the most important sites that can help you in choosing any CPA offer Intend to market it.
You will find many offers, companies, and statistics like the previous site.

I think by observing the points mentioned here in this article, you will not face many problems anymore in your choice of CPA offer through which you can achieve good profits.