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skills needed by every Freelancer to success

Basic skills needed by every Freelancer

skills needed by every Freelancer to success

This is the fourth lesson in the freelancing, in which we will address the most basic skills that every Freelancer must possess.
Although every field of freelancing needs some special skills, there is a set of basic skills that must be available for each Freelancer, which contribute mainly to its success and help it to achieve more profits. In this lesson, we will address the most important of these general skills that every Freelancer must possess and develop.

13 essential skills for your success in freelancing

The freelancing market is characterized by being an open competitive market, and remaining in it is able to learn and develop its skills and capabilities. On the other hand, freelancing has a special nature as you do not have a manager to guide you in what you must do, and you are supposed to have the skills to manage and develop your business.

With this in mind, we will provide you with a list here of the most important skills that you must possess in order to succeed in your freelancing job.

1- freelancing skills

The ability to self-learn is one of the most important skills for freelancer, there is none of us familiar with all the techniques, skills, or all programs, and no one knows the directions or conditions of the labor market how it will be after a year or two, so how can you compete amid these daily developments In new programs and technologies?

Your freelancing ability will always ensure that you are at the center of the action. Seeking help is good, but you will not feel the value of the information or skill that you have acquired except after a great effort from you, from practicing, experimenting, researching and organizing your ideas well.
Freelancing here includes learning from the available articles, videos, and courses, of course, along with trying and trying.

2- Research skill and access to information

Research is your most powerful effective weapon ever, through which you can access the information or ideas that you need, and through it, you can solve your problems, and develop your career always. In the world of freelancing, research boils down to dealing with search engines to reach what you want on the Internet.

3- The skill of dealing with the English language

In the online business world, English is not an option, but an imperative for your success and prosperity. English is the language spoken by about 20% of the planet's population, and it is the primary language in the world of technology and the Internet.
Also, English is the language that represents the common denominator when two people communicate. English is not their first language (for example, when an Indian communicates with an Egyptian, they speak English).
In the field of freelancing, you will need the English language to register and deal with freelancing platforms, you will need to communicate with your non-Arab clients, and you will need them to learn something new (most of the good educational resources are in the English language).
You are not required to be a professional in English, but you have to have the minimum language you can handle smoothly through.

4- The skill of dealing with office software packages

Considered Microsoft Office programs It is the favorite programs of many companies and institutions.
The freelancer must know how to deal with Excel And Word And PowerPoint All of them are basic skills that a freelancer needs to get his work done, regardless of which programs he uses Microsoft Office, Or directly online like Google Docs program.

5- Time management skill

Good management of your time gives you precedence in the labor market, it reduces your stress and work pressure and gives you good and new job opportunities and achieves more achievements and more profits.
So time is the primary driver for any freelancer that helps him in career advancement, and time management skill helps you perform your tasks in a balanced and more effective way.

6- Good communication skill with others

The ability to communicate well with others is an inevitable skill in the field of freelancing, in fact, a large part of your success as a freelancer depends on your ability to communicate and build good relationships in your community, and the ability to deal professionally with your customers, which drives them to deal with you again.

7- The skill of working in a team

It may come a day when you will be forced to work within a team, so you should prepare for that day and be certain that the ideas of others are completely different from yours, and that you must accept the criticism and opinions issued by them with open source as long as it is within the framework of developing the tasks assigned to them.

8- Negotiating skill

One of the most important skills that must be available in any freelancer is the skill of negotiation, so you must be a skilled negotiator.

You should periodically check the prices of services similar to the service you provide because this helps you in the stage of negotiating with the customer so that you do not set prices higher than the average market price, so the customer refuses to complete the purchase process, and at the same time do not set a price lower than the market prices and underestimate your right and effort, Be balanced with your material requests.

9- Reporting skill

One of the necessary skills for every freelancer is how to properly prepare reports, and it differentiates between the professionalism of a freelancer and another, always it requires the preparation of summary reports of what you have done or a case report on a service that you will perform, and in the event that your report was good and well designed, of course, it will contribute to the acceptance of your request and quickly with business owners.
Remember that business owners are always looking for an organized person who is able to show what they can implement, and who is able to prepare a report of what they have already implemented.

10- the skill to deal with differences

The customer’s dissatisfaction with the level of services provided, or even your dissatisfaction as a freelancer with how some clients deal with you, all of which are contained in the field of freelance work. Good and calm dealing with disputes requires training.
You have to be objective, sympathetic to the customer, and try to adopt the customer's point of view and look at the dispute from the angle in which he looks. Avoid aggressive phrases, whether in your correspondence with the client or face-to-face, and you must be a good listener without interrupting the customer as he explains his point of view.

11- Skill of flexibility and ability to manage priorities

It has become very necessary in the current labor market to be flexible and adapt to all changes, as you have to adapt to the labor market at all times, and to use your day effectively by preparing a list of your work tasks required of you in the day, and to develop a short-term plan for your daily and weekly tasks And also create a long-term plan for your monthly tasks.

12- The skill of managing social media pages

Social media is a great opportunity to form a community in your field and to get new clients constantly. Your clients are already present on social media, and you can build specialized pages about the services you provide, attract those interested in these services and get great benefits.
One of the most important features of social media pages is communication with customers, it allows you to get to know the comments of followers, discover their reactions to the services you provide and gives you an additional advantage is to develop what you offer faster.
Social networking pages also gives you the ability to identify the nature of the market in which they operate, you can note changes in consumer behavior thereby enabling modification through marketing, or strategy change your work to fit with the changes to your target audience, you can also ask customers directly.

13- Skill in dealing with technology, interfaces, systems, and programs

freelancing requires dealing with technology constantly, starting with defining the field of freelancing that you want to work with, preparing its own tools and training in dealing with them, through creating professional accounts on social networking sites, especially to LinkedIn, and making accounts on freelance platforms, ending By completing a successful sale of your services. At each of the above points, you will need to be able to deal with what comes in your way from programs, interfaces, platforms, and their advanced settings and options.
You can view the previous lessons here