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How to start your way into freelance work

How to start your way into freelance work

How to start your way into freelance work

This is the third lesson in the freelancing tutorial on the Internet, in which we will address the answer to the question "How to start freelancing."
In the first lesson, we covered the concept of freelancing, its advantages, and challenges,

In the second lesson, we covered the most important, most demanding and profitable areas of freelancing.

Today we will talk systematically about the steps to start freelancing, and what are the things that you need to do in order to actually enter the field of freelancing on the Internet.

How do I start freelancing

1-  Ask yourself, Is freelancing appropriate for me?

In fact, freelancing is not suitable for everyone, and this is normal because we are human beings and we deal with pressures and opportunities in a completely different way, and each of us has ambition in a particular direction in life.
In any case, to know whether freelancing is suitable for you or not, you should ask yourself these questions.
 Do you have the ability to learn constantly? (Freelance requires a person who is able to learn and be more flexible.)
 Do you have the ability to deal with instability?
freelancing is not for those who prefer a routine life and a stable, secure salary.
 Why do you want to work in freelance?
Is it to escape from the job? Or to improve your income? Or because you want to work on something that you have a passion for? Running away is a weak reason, and improving income is an average reason, but passion is a strong cause. In any case, you have to understand your own cause.
 Do you have the patience and courage to enter freelancing?

2- Be prepared for the basic requirements

Of course, any business needs some basic requirements according to its nature, and this also applies to freelance, but fortunately, freelance is characterized by the fact that it needs the minimum requirements, unlike other types of work.
Here is a list of the most important basic requirements that you need to start in the field of freelancing
Here we talk about basic requirements in general, but for every field of freelancing there are special requirements
A computer
Unfortunately, since you are freelancer, you cannot count on your work on your mobile phone, but you need a computer or laptop to carry out the tasks related to your work, here your mobile phone also has a role in following up your work and communicating with your customers ... etc.
Good internet service
You need a good speed internet service, at a level that helps you and does not hinder you from carrying out and delivering your tasks
Of course, you need time dedicated to your work as a freelancer. In fact, you can take advantage of any surplus time you have and invest it in freelance work, but freelance work means another level of opportunities and possibilities.

3- Determine precisely what field you would like to work in

As you are interested in the field of freelancing, you are one of two  As for you already have experience in one of the fields of freelancing, and you want to start your way directly to enter the labor market to offer what you really know, then you can go beyond this point. Or, you want to work as a freelancer, but you haven't yet decided on your field or specialty.
In the second case, here are the points that will help you determine the field of freelancing that suits you:
 Go back to the previous lesson and learn about the most important and famous areas of freelancing at the moment.
 Do a brainstorming session trying to make a list of your most important skills, experience, and knowledge in the field of work.
 Ask your friends and family about the most important things that you distinguish and find you know them well.
 Do a research on the most important areas and special requirements for each field and then find what is most appropriate to your circumstances.
 Continue reading this tutorial's lessons for the end, to take a full picture and enter into the field of freelancing.

4- Know who your customers are

This point is very important to you as a beginner freelancer, and if you can handle it smart it will save you a lot in the path of your success in freelancing.
If you know who your potential customers are, this will enable you to search and collect information about them, thus making it easier for you to reach them.
Some may think that this point is self-evident and this is true, but because it is self-evident, there are many who work in the field of freelancing do not deal with it consciously and intelligently. The awareness and focus here are to understand the nature of the customer and the importance of work for him, and the way he thinks, and trying to reach the place where he is.
The bottom line is that you are creating good ideas and information about the nature of your customers, and putting this in front of your eyes, will enable you first to reach them, and secondly, you will be able to deal with them in a professional and more efficient way.

5- Discover the most important skills you need and work to develop them

There is a set of general skills that every freelancer must possess, that you must try to learn and constantly develop.
There is an independent lesson in which we will address the most important freelancing skills.
On the other hand, you have to discover the most important special skills you need according to the field in which you want to specialize.

6- Discover the most important tools you need and own them

Tools are a very important component of freelancing, and they play a major role in the success of your business as Freelancer. Tools are the same as skills, they are divided into general tools that every FreeLancer has, and other special tools according to the field or specialty.
Often freelancing tools are programs and applications that facilitate the work and save time.
There is a special lesson on the most important business tools in our freelancing guide.

7 -Build your own portfolio

The importance of building a Portfolio stems from the fact that anyone who wants to work with you must first see some of your previous business models, in order to ensure that you are the right person for this task.
The portfolio represents your interface, through which your clients can get to know your business and evaluate you accordingly.
For you, a beginner unbeliever, you may not have previous works to display, in this case, you also have to create models for your work specifically for display in Portfolio.
There is a full Portfolio lesson in this guide, in which you'll find everything you need to build a professional Portfolio.

8 -Create a workflow system and stick to it always

One of the very important points at the start of your freelancing path is to create a workflow plan. Freelance has a special nature, so there is no manager to monitor you, so you need to be the manager yourself. This will never happen without a clear plan for your business system.
Here are some points that you should make in your plan:
 Determine working days during the week and day or two days off and specify daily working hours.
 Determine the maximum and minimum deadlines for submitting assignments from the date of contracting.
 Create a study and learning plan to raise the level of competence.
 Set times to communicate and be in the communities of your specialty.

9 -Create a professional account on LinkedIn

Linkedin is a social media website that specializes in the business and professional fields, so for you, as a freelancer is one of the most important channels of communication and finding opportunities at all. Being on LinkedIn is a very important step.

10 - Create accounts on freelance platforms

Freelance platforms are specialized websites that act as an intermediary between service providers and their applicants, by being a Free Lancer you can register as a service provider, and will allow you to build an account with many details about the work provided.
There are a lot of freelancing platforms, including those specialized in specific fields, including the public, fortunately, there are Arab platforms for freelancing
We will be explaining everything about freelance platforms in an upcoming lesson.
Are you ready to move on to the next lesson? Keep in touch